PEAX Equipment

2$ Bill

My mom has a uncut sheet from way back when she worked in a bank. I had a regular customer who was incredibly rich, and he would give one to most people that he met and talked to daily. I have a small stack of them from him all tucked away, it was his thing.
See them at the post office occasionally. I usually ask the teller for some if they have em.
Got a Sacajawea at a toll booth once. Thought the West Virginia turnpike ripped me off (more than they usually do).
Got one in the mail a few weeks ago along with a health survey. (Can't remember the company, possibly mayo clinic?). It was a fresh crispy one, I guess they figured they would entice people to send back the survey sending them with something unique.
My dad had a bunch of them when I was younger. Got them from his grand dad. My grandpa on my moms side always made a 2 dollar bill the fee for us to hang our deer in his walk in cooler. I’d love to have a pocket full of them just for sentiment. Crazy you got one in your change
I kept all I get. Rare. When I was a teen I used to get them all the time working at McDonalds. That and silver dollars. Real ones. Heck even got a silver certificate one time. The manager let me trade them out with my dollar bills. Not sure why I was fascinated with them. Then when my dad died I found 20 uncut $2 bills. Guess that’s where I got it from. Think I have about 50 of them now.
I have a few around. You can still get them if you go ask for them.

Fun dad trick: Ask the kid if they want an old $2 bill or a new one. When they say new, pull out a crisp $1 bill.
I think the new $2 bill is a Hamilton given inflation

I will say, I enjoy a good $2 bill…my grandma used to give them to us for birthday presents
I have a pile of them. My wife used to work at a bank and would swap them out. Guessing there’s around 300 bucks worth of them in the safe
There is a gun shop in a small town that I lived in that had a gun shop that has been around since the late 1940’s. If you were owed $2.50 for change, you got a $2 bill and a $0.50 piece. It was pretty cool.
For some reason every scrap yard I have ever used paid out using $2 bills and $1 coins.
When I was stationed in Germany from 86-92 I think every $2 bill was sent over there for the PX and Commissary. Always got $2 bills as change. When I would get back stateside everyone wanted them so I would bring back some to share.

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