Caribou Gear

1st archery elk

Bought my elk tags last night. I was exploring a year old clear cut today and the first 3/4’s of the place I just seen moo cow sign. Decided to check out one last corner. Was going along not seeing any fresh moo cow sign so decide to throw some cow chirps out. All of a sudden heard some cracking just outside the clear cut. Waited nothing. Figured it was moo cows but bugled anyways and holy crap I got a lazy bugle back. Anyways moved in so I was about 30 yards off the edge of the cut and proceeded to do some cow calls bugles and raking anyways he is slowly coming and then I hear cracks and I’m pretty sure another elk is coming. One is coming from the north and one from the south and I’m in the middle. Anyways eventually this spike worked in and I was able to make a shot but I could t tell if I hit or missed as my nocturnal knocks never lit up and it took off crashing. I thought I saw red squirt out of the elk when I shot but I wasn’t sure if maybe the knock decided to light up right at the end. While looking for blood heard a bugle to my south and went around the corner and the other bull a nice 6pt bull was standing about 50 yards away on the edge of the cut thrashing brush. Watched him for a few minutes then went back to looking for my arrow. Soon found Pails of blood. The shot wasn’t great I know for a fact nerves got the best of me and I didn’t check my bubble or centred my peep. Rookie mistakes but it worked out good. Anyways then it was time to run home for the trailer as I didn’t bring it since I didn’t have very high hopes after a summer with scouting one day only. Soon got him home skinned and in my cooler
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