1894 value


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I don't know jack about guns, but figured someone here could help me out.

A family member inherited a Winchester Model 1894 Octagon barrel sn432xxx

I don't have info on caliber or condition.

Any thoughts that I can pass along? Much appreciated.
It will be worth some money if it's in decent shape and they should probably have it appraised or at least do what marksjeep mentioned so they can get what it's worth and not get screwed. I have a Henry 44-40 repeating lever action rifle in my safes that was made in the early 1860s and it has a 4 digit serial number on it. It was the predecessor to the Winchester that "won the west"! As best I can tell there were only about 12,000 of them built. My Dad was offered $10K sight unseen by a collector down in San Antonio back in the early 70s and passed it on to me when he died in 2011, so Lord knows what it's worth now and I should have had it appraised many moons ago to at least put extra insurance on it.
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For one in even rough condition of that vintage would bring 4-500, and depending on condition and what model it is it could be in the 8-1200 range.
Hard to say without seeing it and knowing the caliber. Hope that helps.
It's worth somewhere between $400 and $15,000 based on what you've given us to work with.
Agree that it's a 1907-1908 vintage.

Octagonal barrel increases value.

I've got a Model 94 from the same vintage, with the full magazine and octagonal barrel in 32-40. It's in very good condition (about 80%) and would sell for about $1500 - $2000 depending on the collector. It was Grandma's deer rifle.

Somewhere around Winnett or Moore in the 1940's - early 1950's. And yes, she hunted in skirts.

grandma Kramer's deer.jpg
She's a beaut Ben!
The rifle,but Gma is cute.
My 1st 94 was a nickle/octagon 30-30 I got at a sporting goods store in Butte. Paid $50. Traded it for a truck.
I kick myself for that one,but I drove that ol 63'MT ranch truck for 5 yrs & sold it for $300.
The truck was from a Helena guy Ben.
It's worth somewhere between $400 and $15,000 based on what you've given us to work with.
Agree that it's a 1907-1908 vintage.

Octagonal barrel increases value.

I've got a Model 94 from the same vintage, with the full magazine and octagonal barrel in 32-40. It's in very good condition (about 80%) and would sell for about $1500 - $2000 depending on the collector. It was Grandma's deer rifle.

Thanks guys. I know I came with limited details, but you have helped. thanks.....

If you get more details and photos, shoot me a pm & I'll dig up a more reasonable estimate.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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