17 months

Hey Nut,

I'm new to the forum, but I read your post. For what it's worth, I work for General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, manufacturers of the Predator UAV, Hunter Killer UAV , and latest Avenger UAV. We have 2 major facilities. One is in the Mohave desert, the other in San Diego. Our machine shops are always looking for experienced machinist.
Send me your contact info via this forums mail, and I will send you contact info to turn in a resume if you like. :)

I ran some Okuma cnc lathes for 18 years,they are very user friendly.Good luck.
Way to go Fred...
I just got back to work on a real job after quite a stint, did spend a lot of time chasing trails and fishing this last year, its been a great time free from being tied to a 9-5
Thanks for the opportunities out west however at this time there is zero funds for anything like travel.;):cool:

Rick I am way up north of Middletown. However I have family in Miamisburg and Dayton which is close to there.

Pat...I love Obama about as much as I have every other politician in my life time.;)