150# Alaskan wolf

Damn that is a huge Wolf! I have a buddy who has been trapping wolves in AK for ten years and has never caught anything bigger than 120lbs - which is a huge wolf. This is truly a giant animal.

And sorry to poopoo on my lower 48 friends - there are not wolves this big down here. I killed a 100lb wolf in Idaho a couple of years ago - standard for a full grown adult male.
Montana: The ones I've seen maybe range from scraggly oversized yote looking to 90, maybe up to 100? That's a simple guesstimate: Whitefish on through Eureka / Ten Lakes.

I don't recall her name though a former specialized wolf biologist, Region 1 FWP, who spent more time in my wolf neck of the woods shared some pics of a few real MT bruisers... maybe pushing 110#'s, though not like those Canadian / Alaskan Super Mutant wolves! (Humored discription, dont get y'er panties in a wad!).

I know our ghosting Drahthaar, trail cam maestro, has shared some pretty good looking wolves that appear around 100 on his Instagram.
Just a guess.

Though the one the trappers took - damn! Thats pretty cool!

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