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My fifteen year old son drew a third season cow elk tag in Colorado in one of the areas that was hit by the hard winter. We got him outfitted over the summer with proper boots, clothing, and other necessities. What he couldn't borrow from his uncle's he purchased with his own money. He's been working since he's been 12 years old mucking out horse stalls, and has saved up quite a bit and wanted to pay his own way! Had my brother who is a long range target shooter help coach him on the fundamentals of long range shooting. Had him shooting here at home out to 200 yards till that got boring! Went to a 1000 yard range and first target at 700 he placed 3 in about a 4" group centered on the plate. Rest of the range session he proceeded to show up his old man! We loaded up and headed out to Colorado Tuesday afternoon before the season opened. Got there Wednesday afternoon to do a bit of scouting, glassing from the road. Scouted, glassed the area all day Thursday and I ended up buying a bull tag. There was more elk than I had expected!!We packed in on Friday and got our camp situated about 700 yards from the drainage the elk were bedding in. Hopes were high!! Opening morning, we're eating breakfast and waiting on the thermals to change to try to make a play on the herd when here comes two hunters stomping right thru our camp headed toward the herd! I stopped them and explained to them where the elk were and how the thermals worked in that drainage. I'd hunted this area the past 6 years. Invited them to just hang out in our camp till the thermals switched and then we'll work together. They weren't having it! Said they had hunted here a lot of years and knew what they were doing, said they were going up the hillside 300 yards beyond our camp to glass the herd. Told them they'll blow the elk out! The nimrods did it anyways!! Watched from camp as they start out to glass and the whole herd takes off for private land!! Told my son that hunting public ground you will always have people like that to deal with, and that's why we have plans a-b-c.