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14' Gator Caught in Georgia

That's a monster. I've spent my whole life in Gator country and only seen one I can can say for certain was even close to that big and at was probably sub 13'
I don’t think people realize how big something like that looks in the wild. Years ago on a canoe trip in the Okefenokee swamp in Southern Georgia, I paddled a 12ft canoe up next to what so thought was around an 8 footer, it surfaced and was a foot longer than the boat. My partner quickly took her picture and we calmly depart the area. That is one big lizard.
I saw one on private that was later killed. It went 15’. I’ve seen gators all my life, and couldn’t understand what I was seeing at first. Half of his body was out of the water on the bank. More like a dinosaur when they get that big.
When i was a kid we fished ot of a 14 ft flat bottom boat in south east AR and we pulled up next to one a little longer than our boat. Looks like something out of a move. 14 foot is real big gator.