PEAX Equipment

12 Team Fantasy Football League

I'm kinda the mind to play it through as set. with draft planned for this eve, etc. I think they are good ideas and would be a good league setting - not really discounting that though the simplicity of the arrangement that has been structured the past few (+) seasons, I am happy with Schaaf's current.

I'd suggest next season - less you're able to get a league rolling this season (tight though possible considering interest) start a league next season with the settings you favor. I'm in three just via HT. one too many for my own liking as it is though seemed there were others still looking to join a league.

Good ideas regardless my thoughts.
I’d say too keep it set as it’s currently set. As Sytes mentioned maybe these could be changes in years to come. I guess I like to do fantasy football but not nearly “into it” as other so there are changes I’d like to see but those that do their homework and research would hate to see.
So I say it should stay as is as it’s a little late to the table to change things up now.
I think stick with what we got, myself. The auction/salary cap drafts are fun to do, but I feel like you need the whole group or most of them anyways together and do it while partaking in some adult beverages and giving each other a hard time. And keep the kicker
I think stick with what we got, myself. The auction/salary cap drafts are fun to do, but I feel like you need the whole group or most of them anyways together and do it while partaking in some adult beverages and giving each other a hard time. And keep the kicker
My mistake if I wasn't clear. By free agent auction bidding, I solely meant for the waiver wire. Not the draft.

So instead of having everyone put a claim on free agents throughout the season and it grants the players to the worst team, you would bid on them with a set money budget. It's pretty easy and makes it much better for everyone to have a stab at a player they want to pickup.

Just updated settings. 6 team playoffs (week 14,15,16)

I kept the kicker but added a second Flex.

Im not opposed to the auction waiver but I haven’t selected that. What are everyone’s thoughts on that?
Im not opposed to the auction waiver but I haven’t selected that. What are everyone’s thoughts on that?
Do iittttt, it's pretty easy to follow and people will get the hang of it.
Is the auction waiver based on actual money or a predetermined allotted balance for you to use through the season?
Fake money, when you change to auction waiver you assign "$100" for instance. That's what you use for the whole season and have blind auction for free agents on waivers.
Doesn't mean jack chit but still fun to read this.

Wait, whaaaa? That one sucks the Shiva toes! Flippin' Snowflake grades!

This one is most accurate!

Pssh! Means I'm awesome!


Until my Griz ass gets kicked.

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