Kenetrek Boots

12 guage recommendations

A lightly-used Beretta A390 Silver Mallard, I've had mine for 25 years of doves, quail, ducks, turkeys, trap, skeet, and not one single malfunction, ever. But I'll never steer anyone away from a brand-new gun either, have fun.
Hell yeah. A gently used wingmaster from the 1990’s or so would be my top choice as well. I never did get one but have 3 Expresses. Perhaps I should get rid of those and upgrade. Don’t think I’ll ever own an auto, no need.
I’ve got you beat on Expresses. lol. I thought about swapping out or upgrading to a Wingmaster but this shotgun of mine was the first shotgun I bought and we keep going on adventures still. Be a shame to leave it at home. I always figured I’d buy my kids an express but I think I’ll start them all on an express jr and then buy them a 20ga Wingmaster when they get old enough. Dad doesn’t need a fancy Wingmaster but my kids sure can get one.
Been an 870 guy forever. If I was looking for a new shotgun I’d probably go find a gently used Wingmaster and skip the expresses. The new Field Master isn’t bad but it’s no Wingmaster either.
Yes, a 70's or early 80's Wingmaster can't be beat.
Well I went to the local shop and pointed all the shotguns and honestly the mossberg 500 pointed and felt the best to me. $300 after sale and gift card didn’t hurt my decision either. We’ve got one in 20 gauge and that thing has been abused and neglected and still functions without issue
Well I went to the local shop and pointed all the shotguns and honestly the mossberg 500 pointed and felt the best to me. $300 after sale and gift card didn’t hurt my decision either. We’ve got one in 20 gauge and that thing has been abused and neglected and still functions without issue
I have a 500 I bought in the 90's. Killed a lot of birds especially geese with it until I just somehow got out of the bird thing. Need to get back in to it. Good buy. mtmuley
My Benelli SuperNova has been rock solid for a bread and butter pump. Put it through the ringer with snowy -20 degree mornings shooting 3” and 3.5” magnum loads all the way to warm sunny dove hunts shooting 2 3/4” 8 shot.

Only “issue” has been mornings so cold that the firing pin partially freezes up until you get a few rounds through it, more of a sticky trigger, but those really cold type days my buddy’s semi-autos had far worse problems.
Well I went to the local shop and pointed all the shotguns and honestly the mossberg 500 pointed and felt the best to me. $300 after sale and gift card didn’t hurt my decision either. We’ve got one in 20 gauge and that thing has been abused and neglected and still functions without issue
Pretty hard to go wrong with them. I don’t care for their looks but they do just work. I borrowed a Mossberg 835 from a friend for a few years before I decided it was too heavy and clunky for me. I had no real desire to ever shoot 3.5” shells so I gave it back and went to buy my 870 the same day.

Get out with the family and shoot some clays with the new and old Mossbergs if you’re all together for the holidays.
I really like my older Wingmaster. I’ve seen some of the new ones. They look good. If the quality is there, I would certainly recommend one.
Well I went to the local shop and pointed all the shotguns and honestly the mossberg 500 pointed and felt the best to me. $300 after sale and gift card didn’t hurt my decision either. We’ve got one in 20 gauge and that thing has been abused and neglected and still functions without issue

I switched out factory to a Limbsaver shoulder pad which made a world of difference for my teenage son.
I have a Rem 1100 youth model that I bought for my son 25 years ago that shoots better then any shotgun I've ever shot. I use it with light #6 for rabbits. Never miss and it doesnt put to many holes in the rabbits. I also own a 1100 in 12 ga. Its bad ass also

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