12 guage recommendations


Well-known member
May 13, 2016
Looking to pick up a new shotgun for next year. Looking for a semi auto or pump 12 guage. Wanting to keep it under $1000. Mainly will be for upland game and turkeys but will get some waterfowl work. What’s your recommendation?
Cycling issues fact or fiction?
My son has a Franchi Affinity. He shoots left handed. He shot 3+ flats of shells through it this year and every year. He says it has cycling issues when it gets dirty. A few other minor complaints.

I asked if he would recommend it. He said he’d buy a Beretta A300 if he shot right handed.

I’ll note, my son has a waterfowl addiction and is hard on his shotgun. Drops it under water a few times a year.
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I've had several Mossberg's years ago and two mod 870's. I'ed take the Mossberg's every time if I still used pumps. Also like the Ithica mod 37, even have one but never use it, Been into SxS's about 40 yrs now!
For pump action I like Remington 870’s. I never cared much for the Mossbergs. For semi auto I’ve had a Beretta 391 field model for over 20 years and it still works great. I haven’t tried any of their newer models. I would take a look if I were in the market.
I had a wild hair a few years back to buy a camo shotgun. The Affinity was top of the list. Further online research unearthed some concerns of cycling, but honestly I don't remember what circumstances. At the time I wasn't overly concerned about a few internet opinions. My jets cooled and that was that. Guess I was curious if since then there has been anything chronic.
Looking to pick up a new shotgun for next year. Looking for a semi auto or pump 12 guage. Wanting to keep it under $1000. Mainly will be for upland game and turkeys but will get some waterfowl work. What’s your recommendation?
Winchester SX4 can be had on sale for $750. Great gun and can handle 3.5" shells and is an auto loader.

I use it for everything now, light enough for pheasant hunts but works well for waterfowl.
It’s odd how some of us go about rifle selections. Often buying several for limited specific applications. Yet with shotguns it’s a one-size-fits-most deal and done.
I’m partial to pump action because I’ve owned the same 12ga 870 for 21 years now and brutally tested it. I completely disassembled it and managed to break off the ejector spring the first year. Manufacturer fixed it then I busted it off again shortly thereafter and never replaced. Because it’s fine! The racking motion flings out shells. It’s been put up wet neglected, cleaned infrequently, submerged in muddy water and dragged through sandy dust. Choke is almost always Imp Cyl though sometimes Full. But then I wanted a shorter barrel than the factory 26”.
Replacement barrels are stupid expensive! So instead I used my rifle mind to justify an older version Winchester SXP Defender. That’s a smooth mfer! It’s Cyl bore and will only ever get buckshot, slugs, but it’s done just fine with that. The rotating inertia bolt sets reloads in motion fast.
I have a Remington 1100 I bought when I got out of the service in 1972 and still pheasant hunt with it every year. It is heavier than hell but has treated me well for over 50 years.
Been an 870 guy forever. If I was looking for a new shotgun I’d probably go find a gently used Wingmaster and skip the expresses. The new Field Master isn’t bad but it’s no Wingmaster either.
Hell yeah. A gently used wingmaster from the 1990’s or so would be my top choice as well. I never did get one but have 3 Expresses. Perhaps I should get rid of those and upgrade. Don’t think I’ll ever own an auto, no need.
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