
1000 lb Bulls


New member
Dec 10, 2000
Menard, Texas,USA
I own a gun shop and am always hearing these tall tales about these guys killing 1000-1200 lb bulls and 800-900lb cows. Fact or fiction???
In their dreams

They must be a bunch of crack smokers, or they use a different scale than I do.

The biggest Roosevelt bulls will top 1,000, but even that would be a huge Roosie.

These are probably the same guys that see 380" bulls and 180" bucks everytime they go out.

I tired of people talking about 200 pound field-dressed deer, so I went and bought a scale. Of all the supposed 200 pound deer that I have had people put on the scale, none have exceeded 175 pounds, and most are around 160 pounds. There are 200+ pound deer shot every year, but my point is to demonstrate how poor most hunters are at judging dressed weight.

For reference, on an Alaska moose hunt, we shot four bulls. The largest had a 64" spread and his four quarters, plus cape, trim, loins, antlers, and skull weighed less than 1,200 pounds. If anyne ever shoots an elk the size of that moose, I want to see it.

Happy Hunting!
Hey Bob. I don't know about 1000 pound bulls, but it's nice knowing that you're still around. Give my best to Connie..

I did see a thousand pound bull in Canada one time on an elk farm. He had been actually weighed., but he was fed every bite he would or could eat and was so fat he could barely walk and certainly couldnt breed. Most bulls bulls will lose over 25% in rut so those 1000 pounders these guys say they get would have to have weighed 1300 or so before hunting season. I did have a roosevelt cow that I weighed and she weighed 700. She was huge and extremely rare. I think the long legs just make 'em look bigger. Imagine a guy or even two or three guys even trying to roll over a 1000 lb bull!!
I have packed 64 bulls out of unit 27 in idaho, and the heaviest quarters I ever weighed were 126 pounds. I don't think that bull would go over 900 any way you figure it. Same with Mule Deer. Evey guy you talk to has killed a 300 pounder. I killed a whitetail in Kansas that was 12 years old and anyone would swear weighs over 300 and some guys even guess 400. He weighed 267.
Can't offer anything regarding weights of elk as I have only ever taken one but whitetails are another story. The area I grew up in, eastern ND, has had a big buck contest for approximately 25 years where the winner is determined by the field-dressed weight of the critter. The winning weight varies each year according to how tough the previous winter was, feed conditions, etc. but the winning weight typically exceeds 200 lbs. The lightest to win has been around 175 lbs and the biggest I remember being weighed in was 235 lbs.
I was just down at the local meat plant and they showed me an elk that almost weighed 600# hanging unskinned and it was the biggest one they have ever had in there. Not sure what it would of weighed on hoof but I doubt they took 400 pounds out of it in the field.
Yeah, Bulls and Bucks swell up real fast as the story is told and retold. One of my favorite story tellers is a boy I got started Elk hunting. He hired him a guide and swears the cows they shot were 700 lbs. each. I believe they felt they were that much by the time they got them back to the truck! Maybe there should be a Live VS Carried to the truck Ratio and when someone asks how big it was you can give them the Carried to the Truck Weight! John
Don't know about 1000 LB bull elk, but these midwestern yahoos around here sure see a lot of fourteen point bucks. I think every time they see a decent buck the response is ..... "Dang, that thing was huge, looked like it had at least 14 points!"

Other than some wierd non-typicals, I aint never seen a 14 point buck.

Maybe you should get out more...not 14 points...but 13 and not "some weird non-typical"...

Matching double eye-guards with 5 points on one side 4 on the other.

here is my biggest, although bigger than the 2 i shot out west but what would you guys guess.


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335 B&C 775lb ??? Last weekend saw a 325 2 year old, a 427 3 year old and a 501 6 year old at a ranch here last weekend. these bulls were out of Stealth. You probably know that bloodline, elk farmer. I bought a 427 set to make a table, weighed right at 30 lb.
We have weighed a bunch of whole, gutted elk in the past in Co. Biggest bull was 618 Lbs, cow 536 Lbs. This is over the last 10 or so seasons on probably 200 head of elk. I think the 1,000 Lb. bulls are fiction unless they grow substantially bigger elsewhere.