Caribou Gear

1000 inch whitetail?

Gross. I want nothing to do with that world, but I am intellectually interested in the procedure one would use to accurately score those antlers...
The guy has shot an amazing pile of huge antlered livestock; google showed a thousand inch red deer, almost 700 inch elk and over 300 inch muley.
How sporting, he shot this farm animal with a revolver! Didn't someone 22 worked fine for this somewhere?
I love that the husband was able to step away from his many spreadsheets he was surely working on to be part of his wife's hunt!
I know right. I know everyone waiting for it, so I'll just say it...PHUGGIN CROSSBOW! I mean it's a preserve why the crossbow just use a gun already!
Most guys at work who dont hunt always ask why I don't just pay to go to one of these places. It's not even worth trying to explain anymore I just say "yah I'll check it out".
I've told it before but I had a friend of the family who went on a Buffalo hunt in Oklahoma once. Funniest pic I've ever seen, grip and grin with the bow and the heard was about 25 yards behind him in the picture.
I know of one for an elk ranch that’s very similar. Pretty hilarious to see a couple guys posing with a dead bull while other bulls are a few yards in the background seemingly wondering what the heck is going on
I know of one for an elk ranch that’s very similar. Pretty hilarious to see a couple guys posing with a dead bull while other bulls are a few yards in the background seemingly wondering what the heck is going on
There used to be an elk ranch on my road. The owner sold a "hunt" to a blind fellow. Guide services consisted of helping the guy up to the fence with his rifle and calling the bull (by name!) up to the fence.

The same elk farmer once convinced the local small town paper that the fences were to keep the wild elk from giving his elk CWD.
This dude is apparently a Domino's Pizza franchise owner who really enjoys paying for sex paying for huge, farm raised animals.

Dumb. I don't get it. To spend that kind of $$ just go after the real thing and have a real hunt with a guide....I would feel so f*ing stupid and ashamed if I shot one and tried to even show a photo to any of my buddies. I would be rightfully scorned and left naked in the woods. Rant over.
This dude is apparently a Domino's Pizza franchise owner who really enjoys paying for sex paying for huge, farm raised animals.

Dumb. I don't get it. To spend that kind of $$ just go after the real thing and have a real hunt with a guide....I would feel so f*ing stupid and ashamed if I shot one and tried to even show a photo to any of my buddies. I would be rightfully scorned and left naked in the woods. Rant over.
They keep using the word "hunt"..they shouldn't. That's farming plain and simple. Just shooting them in the open instead of at the slaughterhouse.
This dude is apparently a Domino's Pizza franchise owner who really enjoys paying for sex paying for huge, farm raised animals.

Dumb. I don't get it. To spend that kind of $$ just go after the real thing and have a real hunt with a guide....I would feel so f*ing stupid and ashamed if I shot one and tried to even show a photo to any of my buddies. I would be rightfully scorned and left naked in the woods. Rant over.
Agree totally with you, but the fact is, the people that not only have the money but are willing to pay for it don't do it for sport. They do it for notoriety. It's just another "thing" that they can spend their money on.
When these folks are sitting in the steam room at the wellness club they frequent, this is their opportunity to explain to all the others that aren't "hunters" about his experience and tell about his trip and his "trophy" and everyone fawns over his accomplishments and he gets his moment of praise.
That's what these folks get off on. Not the experience of the hunt.
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