100 miles of pain for gain

Hope you had better luck riding than I did.Inspired by you going 100 miles I thought I'd get a good starter ride in and a block from my house my front tire hit some lose crap from the recent rain and down I went.Skinned knee,elbo and both palms and now my back is hurting.Bent the front tire also.Quess I'll stick to walking for a while.Looking forward to your pics and report.
Well, I did it. Saturday AM I woke at 5AM to look at the weather. Highs in the lower 50's and scattered showers.... yuk. Doctor said I could do it as long as there was no fever, so I am going for it, too many guys here put up some great cash for the cause! Besides, there is a lot of kids feeling a lot sicker than I am in the hospital. Made the 45 minute drive to the Trek national headquarters and got ready. Turn out was really a lot lower than last year, from the weather no doubt because I was told registration was up. I guess if someone did not get any pledges he would not feel obligated to ride and just forfeit the money to register himself for the cause (a dollar a mile) but that was not the case for me, some of you guys pulled out all the stops again.
Bad thing is this, little fitness hotties must not like cold and rainy weather because they were hiding today. I am sorry to say I got very little video and pictures but the opportunities were not there with the weather, rain, and being able to get the camera out between rain spells.
Well, i got myself heavily medicated between cold medicine, Sudafed, Claritin and some zinc gel for my nostrils and got in the start line. A few speeches by some celebs, and the national anthem and we were off.
I did about 1/2 of the ride solo, and the other half jumping in and out of clubs and teams, changing off when faster riders went by and jumping on at times. I did get a few little clips of some nice hotties in action in weather breaks. The good thing is they were wearing leg warmers, and to my sick mind they were nothing more than thigh high stockings, my favorite Lingerie.
At the 30 mile mark the rain came down heavy enough to get you actually soaked so I pulled over and got out this stupid emergency rain poncho I packed along. I took off and blew up like the stay-puff marshmallow man. Pulled over again and this time put it on below my jersey (anyone recognize the jersey?) and now it was more of a wind breaker and it kept me warm. Keep going hard, stay warm Schmalts...
At 85 miles I had an awakening. I just got antsy and dropped the group of guys I spent the last 30 miles with and took off at a time trial pace. My legs were numb, no soreness, no burn, just numb and felt good. I was going fast and started to bonk out near the last few miles, but that was O.K. as I wanted to get the camera out anyway.
I did it, 102 miles on the nose as I pulled into the lot. A little over 5 hours and 20 minutes, not bad for solo, except that I did have you guys behind me, thanks. I was cold, and started to stiffen up fast. I got a 15 minute massage from volunteers from a massage school and that helped. I tried to eat a couple soft tacos but only got one down, and i did not even have free beer. I was just wanting to get in my car, crank the heat and get a hot shower so that is what I did.
Thanks a ton for those who put up cash for the childhood cancer fight!
here is the very little video I took.
Congrats. That is a heck of an accomplishment. Glad we could help.
Damn, Schmalts... your first century in 5:20 in cold rain? That's impressive. Congrats. I'd say your next event needs to be in Southern California. :D

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