Sounds like a great trip. Lots of good advice here, about the only thing I might add is some form of communication between hunters FRS/GMRS etc. or maybe something more powerful in case of emergency, maybe a radio that operates on aviation freq's, etc. You probably already have a GPS but if not I highly recommend DeLorme's new PN60 w/SPOT, GPS and commo in one unit,. The stand alone SPOT unit is also a good idea for less than $100. It's also a good idea to carry a signal mirror, signal panel, and a hotmatch or other firestarter. One last thing, anytime I'm out for any length of time I take some antibiotics with me, a bad case of the schitz will kill the hunt and make you not give a damn about anything else real quick. Most doc's will give you a prescription with no problem if you tell them your plans. Good Luck