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10-11 Jan 2024 CPW Commission Meeting

And then we wonder why we lose at the ballot. Voters who hunt matter. If they don't draw, they never start or quit, we all lose. Personally, I'd like to recruit resident hunters because they vote in favor of it. I guess if you can't draw tag you can always bowl or golf, but will they vote to hunt if they aren't? Lets create some more man bun subaru drivers instead of hunters, that'll solve it.

All you gotta do is apply to draw it. No one is keeping it from them.

If the hunter can’t figure it out they don’t have much chance at figuring out where to drop off their ballot 🤷🏼‍♂️
I want the man bun Subaru drivers to be hunters too. And then I want them to vote in favor of hunting. And then tell their man bun Subaru driver friends how great hunting is and they will vote in favor of hunting too. And then some of them might start donating and volunteering with hunting organizations. When you are in the predicament that Colorado hunters are, exclude at your own peril.
All you gotta do is apply to draw it. No one is keeping it from them.
If a hunter has say 5 points, what percent of them would apply for a zero point hunt code as a first choice? the data says about 20% of the prior OTC residents would, and about 50% of the prior OTC nonresidents would.

Geeze, start standing up for your dam neighbors. They played by the rules they were dealt, now we want to re-deal and give them a sh_t hand because someone can't get the tag they want, and point creep is so bad residents on average carry less then 3. Good grief.
If a hunter has say 5 points, what percent of them would apply for a zero point hunt code as a first choice? the data says about 20% of the prior OTC residents would, and about 50% of the prior OTC nonresidents would.

Geeze, start standing up for your dam neighbors. They played by the rules they were dealt, now we want to re-deal and give them a sh_t hand because someone can't get the tag they want, and point creep is so bad residents on average carry less then 3. Good grief.
Building points and hunting high point units is a decision and like any decision there are consequences and rewards to those decisions. I choose to hunt 0-1 point tags every year. I will likely never build any points unless I keep busting poachers and getting more than one point a year when I don’t draw my first choice >0 tags. I truly believe you should lose your points if you hunt an A tag. Regardless of how you acquire it. Point creep and other such issues would mellow out a lot faster that way.

I think all otc tags should go away
If a hunter has say 5 points, what percent of them would apply for a zero point hunt code as a first choice? the data says about 20% of the prior OTC residents would, and about 50% of the prior OTC nonresidents would.

Geeze, start standing up for your dam neighbors. They played by the rules they were dealt, now we want to re-deal and give them a sh_t hand because someone can't get the tag they want, and point creep is so bad residents on average carry less then 3. Good grief.
Anyone that believes the change to limit hunters numbers in 2nd and 3rd seasons in the NW units is going to result in better hunting on public land in those units really needs to pull their head out of their ass. This was just more CPW sponsored outfitter welfare. This change will not force CPW to issue less tags or increase bull to cow ratios, or require CPW to actually managed to the approved ratios they often ignore when setting permit numbers. It will only save a few bulls from getting shot on public by DIY hunters so they can get shot on private by a fat dentist from the midwest who paid $7000 for a babysitter. The outfitters won and the public got f’d again.
CRS Title 33

33-1-110. Duties of the director of the division. (1) The director is the head of the division under the direction and supervision of the commission and the executive director and has general supervisory control of and authority over all activities, functions, and employees of the division.

Powers of Commission begins on page 8, duties of the Director on page 14.
Ok, I was off base. So, the commission does tell CPW what to do? Why do I often hear them say things like, "I'm not directing staff to do anything." Like it's a line they can't cross.
Ok, I was off base. So, the commission does tell CPW what to do? Why do I often hear them say things like, "I'm not directing staff to do anything." Like it's a line they can't cross.
It’s not uncommon for them to direct staff to come up with alternatives for them to consider. Examples: R/NR spilts, preference point banking, PP averaging, etc. They are discussing management classification for bison now. If you go look at the PowerPoint on the commission page for this meeting, the first slide gives a timeline. August 2021, the commission denied a citizen’s petition to reclassify. March 2022, CPW agrees to develop local outreach effort and working group. That was at the behest of the commission.
It’s not uncommon for them to direct staff to come up with alternatives for them to consider. Examples: R/NR spilts, preference point banking, PP averaging, etc. They are discussing management classification for bison now. If you go look at the PowerPoint on the commission page for this meeting, the first slide gives a timeline. August 2021, the commission denied a citizen’s petition to reclassify. March 2022, CPW agrees to develop local outreach effort and working group. That was at the behest of the commission.
So, is it just that the individual commissioners can't give direction to individual staff? I assume there are 'open meetings' rules that affect these conversations as well.
So, is it just that the individual commissioners can't give direction to individual staff? I assume there are 'open meetings' rules that affect these conversations as well.
Yes, it is always in the Commission meeting and at the direction of the whole body with Chair approval.
It's going to be interesting what tag quotas they come out with for these 2nd and 3rd seasons. How many people are going to get caught not applying for a tag they are used to buying in June-September and find out they are SOL?
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