1-pointer, Fell from the Wagon ;)

We are... going to... What I meant was after the winner wins, 2 months after that.

I've seen (And done myself) people go on 1-2 month crash diet's. Not eat good, excercize some or a bunch, then afterwards get buisy, Bail on the excercize and start eating bad again. It happens to 95% of the people that do it. (Check the stats

I was jsut makeing a point t o say 2 months after 6 people loose weight,probably 5 of us will tote it back on... or 4 Cuz I'm not
If I get this extra baggage Off, Let me change that when I get this extra baggage off I want let it come back. This hs been a long time coming and I'm ready to unload it For good.
I'm with meathead on this one. I'm ready to unload about 30# for good. I have been trying to change my diet and the way I eat. Out here in the flat ground it's hard to keep it off. I hunt hard from oct.1 to jan 15th, but the fartherest I walk is half mile to my stand and it's all flat ground, plus being a superintendent for a construction company all I do is answer the phone and pour over prints all day.
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