Caribou Gear Tarp

'08 AK Dall Sheep report

horn was broomed long before we ever saw him, his buddy that looked on from teh sidelines was broomed on the same side i belive.
T-bones the man...he was in shape and mentally ready for a hunt like this, alot of guys wouldn't never made what he did. only reason he's smiling with that sheep is cause he wasn't smiling before, feet to the grindstone and perservered...great client, great attitude makes for a great hunt. Had a riot hunting with him, and he didn't crap himself, not sure the vagasil woulda fixed that though....

Congrats, thats a nice ram. Sounds like a pretty much text book hunt for white sheep...highs and lows along the way. Nothing quite like it, IMO.

Neat looking country too.
T-bone, you mentioned recently that you will only have two animals mounted in your life: your bighorn and your mountain goat. What are your plans for your sheep? European?

He'll be either shoulder mount or pedestal. The horns arrived via UPS yesterday, taking him to the taxidermist tonight.

Congrats on an awesome adventure. thanks for pulling us along with you. Some day I hope to go after one of those bad boys. about living a dream through some one elses adventure. That was an awesome recap! Unbelievable hunt. Thanks a ton for the pics and video....can't tell ya how much it makes ya feel like your up there. Congrats to ya big time!

On a side note there was a Dall Pedestal mount on here somewhere that was incredible looking....if that's that way you decide to go with it.
Great ram. Great story.

Holy sheet that thing rolled a long way down the mountain.

You should do a pedastal mount with a nice big clump of Alders as the base.
Got him back from the taxidermist tonight. I like it.

I can't remember the form maker or pose name, but it fits our low ceiling well. The base turned out great I think. It's lit from the backside as well.



I'm no taxidermy expert, but I think the detail in the mouth, nose, and eyes is good.


Uffda, that is very cool. Great job to you and the taxi.

Wish I had one of those on my wall. Might have to do that some day.
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