Kenetrek Boots

0 MOA or 20 MOA picatinny rail


Active member
Sep 8, 2016

I am looking at mounting bases to my rifle. I would like to mount a Picatinny rail on my Kimber hunter. I have little experience mounting bases. I plan on using a 50MM objective lens scope with tall scope rings and keep my shooting to under 600 yards.

Should I get the 0 MOA or 20 MOA rail??

Thanks and Happy Hunting.
don't bother with the 20moa may find that you can't dial down to shoot close. My 7mag with 20moa bases and Vortex rings can't be dialed down within 250 yards which is okay but at 100 yards I'm several inches higher than I like.

I like Talley rings and depending on the rifle and scope combo you may be able to get away with medium rings...?
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Price should be same, at least it was for me from EGW when I bought mine. While its probably not needed, it would be nice to go with the 20 to ad some elevation for you. That way if you ever wanted to take a shot that was longer, you would prob be able to. The weight difference would be measured in grams, neglible.
Tall rings are going to be waaay too tall. I use lows with a rail and 56mm scope on a 5.5 contour barrel.
Tall rings are going to be waaay too tall. I use lows with a rail and 56mm scope on a 5.5 contour barrel.

I would get lows as well and 20 moa base. I've never had an issue getting my scopes to zero at 100
I have 20 MOA and have my rifle dialed in at 200 yards, but had no problems at 100 either when I was shooting it in...
So, most guys aren't shooting LR. Why the 20 MOA base then? mtmuley

Why own a diesel truck when all you're pulling is a 5'x8' trailer or aluminum bass boat that could be pulled with a sedan? It's because you want the ABILITY to be able to tow something heavier or in this case shoot farther...

I haven't shot past 300 yards yet, but my custom gun is capable of over 1000 yards. I will eventually work on shooting more long range and getting more comfortable at those longer ranges.
I think most replies were to respond to the question on using a 20 MOA and being able to shoot at 100 yds, the reason for the 20 MOA is to increase the range of your scope so you can dial in at long ranges instead of holding over your target, at least that is why I got a 20 MOA rail.
I understand what a 20 MOA rail is and what it does. My point is, why have it if you don't need it? Most hunting cartridges set up with a modern scope will have enough adjustment to 1000, and some beyond. mtmuley
I understand what a 20 MOA rail is and what it does. My point is, why have it if you don't need it? Most hunting cartridges set up with a modern scope will have enough adjustment to 1000, and some beyond. mtmuley

Like my previous post, it is about the ability to shoot farther and without wasting adjustment on your scope. The price point is either the same or negligible, so why not go with something that gives you the capability of shooting longer ranges?
Like my previous post, it is about the ability to shoot farther and without wasting adjustment on your scope. The price point is either the same or negligible, so why not go with something that gives you the capability of shooting longer ranges?

Okey dokey. Let us know how the next 700 yards go. mtmuley
Like WapitiBob and Fire_9 said, I'd go with the shortest rings that will clear. You should get better cheek-weld with lower rings and better consistency. If you're shooting at 600 yards the MOA of your rail won't matter, but if you want to mess with long range at the range, you may as well get the 20 MOA base. Stretching it out at the range can prove to be very enjoyable.
The point is to be in the center of the range vs at the end, where cheap scopes tend to forget how to move.
1000 yards with a 200 yard zero is going to take most of 20 moa. 600 yards, I wouldn't get too twisted up about it but at 1000 and a mid packer scope, I'd put 20 moa under it.
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You know what they say about dudes who lift their trucks? Same goes for rifle scopes..

I have a 20 moa on our 7rm, only one piece I could find locally. After reading this thread I ran some numbers through my ballistic program and think I have enough to shoot over 2000 yards.
Okey dokey. Let us know how the next 700 yards go. mtmuley
I will let you know by the end of the summer. Didn't have much time the past year, since I got my custom, due to family reasons. You are right I don't need a 20 moa base for hunting, but for shooting at the range it makes sense. There is a 1000 yard range 30 mins from me and a 1500 yard range about an hour away. I will never shoot an animal that far, but it will be fun shooting steel at those ranges.
Thanks for the replies fellas,

This will be my main hunting rifle so I have no plans on shooting over 600 yards with it. I know the .280AI is a 1000 yard capable cartridge. However, if I plan on shooting beyond 600 yards while hunting I will buy a .338 or .375 caliber round for the added downrange energy.

Having low or mid bases with the MOA rail is something I didn't know I could get away with on a 50mm scope.

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