Everything I have ever heard has been that whitetails are more aggressive, which is why they seem to push muley's out of habitat. Save a muley...kill a whitetail?
Like the subject says. Fantastic scope just going a different direction. Ultra lightweight and everything you’d expect from a Swaro. Has the 4w retical. Used 2 seasons. If you'll click on the attached pic a second picture will open, no idea why it won't show a preview of it. Capped Windage...
I have a plug in electric that I got on a discount site about 10 years ago, it is awesome for the 2 snows we get a year in KY. I don’t think I’d want it if I lived in Wisdom, MT.
Was in the shower pondering life, reading the ingredients on the shampoo when I saw a “PETA - Cruelty Free” stamp on my wife’s shampoo. I checked the other suave product and it had it too. No way PETA is letting them use their trademark for free, so this shampoo is funding probably the largest...
I was thinking subs and was thinking 100 absolute max (and honestly none of our stands even offer a 100 yard shot) would treat very much like archery for what I’m talking about.
We have all kinds of cams (spypoint, cuddyback, etc) and the Muddy’s take the absolute best pictures. I’m going to get one of these I bet it will be pretty cool.
What is the alternative? The cotton condom type that roll over the quarters? If so, there is no comparison in my experience. These things aren’t magic or anything. A solid set of pillow cases may do the same thing but they don’t stretch, are easy to grab and tug around and stay where you put them.
I will admit that I have only ever owned one set of game bags. But this one ‘wapiti’ set of game bags has hauled out no less than 20 animals and comes back ready to roll after a simple rinse/wash. Darn good investment, bulletproof.