Our local zoo had multiple large cats and a bear die this fall
I certainly hope things improve for you. Wife and I expecting #3 in November. I have to agree that one was a cake walk vs two, and i'd be lying if I said the idea of three hasn't raised my blood pressure.
If you're wanting to check out any other breeder's for an english cocker spaniel, field champion lines, I have a family friend that lives close by that has been raising them since the 1960's/1970's. cool dogs, can hunt as hard as hard as you want, small enough to go places.
I love watching track and field events. Pure athleticism matched with skill and mental fortitude at the highest level. No referee needed, no judge giving you a deduction on something they could never do to begin with. All of the events and athletes you all have mentioned were fantastic, may I...
I'm not sure where you live in Wyoming but I have heard good things from some of my patients about Bare Physical Therapy in Laramie. https://barephysicaltherapy.com/
I shot a mule deer buck with a 250gr Barnes from my 50cal muzzle loader last week. I hit a little further back than I had intended but was still a double lung, and broke a rib on each side with the pass through. Shot was 202 yards. No blood on fresh snow but I was able to watch him walk 20yds...
How does your gun shoot clean vs fouled? My rifle shoots better fouled up to 4 shots, then starts getting more inconsistent. My previous rifle shot best clean bore and then shots were inconsistent.
Updates on Outfitter from Broken Bow.
I've switched to weighing my Blackhorn 209 and am much happier with the consistency over the chronograph vs volumetric measurements in the past. I shoot 84gr by weight and the volume can be as different as ~8gr from load to load;