Kinda like them on chili with cheese & onion, or under over easy eggs, with salsa on top. Pouring the last crumbs of the Juantonio's chips directly into your mouth. Yes it happens!
Bearfoot's 2 cent rant
Thoughts present, past and entertained become manifest. This can be very slow, or karma. The key is to act on what excites you the most. Think good thoughts! We have been endowed by "ALL THAT IS" to create from our each, separate point of view. We manifest what we focus...
One son in law, spent time elsewhere, in a tree stand. After a few days, his calling brought a bull in. We had our yearly family get together, "first burger" of the season after all!
I got a chance at another bull right at first light. Spotted him dropping into a creek crossing and guessed where he may show. Hustled down the trail, then climbed a small knob. He showed up briefly after twenty minutes, standing broadside. Wide palms, doesn't have the brow tines, he is gone...
Evening comes and we have, Potato, carrot, onion & a little corn. Add Tortellini + moose Kielbasa, Cooking on the wood stove.
So good!
This trip it has rained every day, a couple of days we were socked in, and could not see anything. Each day grey and over cast, until tonight. The sky opened...
After awhile that bull started moving right, along the alders, down hill toward the trees. At about 3/4 mile down hill and in the trees, a long cow call turned him into the ravine, crossed the creek, went into the brush on our side. I told the boys "he's coming!" As the hours went by, it became...
Found him! Fog lifted, he appeared at 600 yards.
We had a problem. Surveying the landscape, all we could do was watch. Between us and him is a ravine, no way to cross over with the buggies for recovery. Kyle starts scraping with bull grunts.
We found this guy way high. Looked really nice. Everybody is in on this chase!
Brush is wet, fog coming and going. Took an hour and sweat to get over there. Came in under cover of fog. Now we had to find this bull.