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  1. B

    Life insurance question

    Like said above, a term life policy has way more bang for the buck if you have a family that relies on your income. I got a $500k 30 year term life policy at age 30 a few years ago and it costs $315/year.
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    Tailgate Pics

    My public land limit with my old single shot this year. Had so much fun I went out and limited out the following day again.
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    Metalworking Hunttalkers!

    Between breakdowns, unpredictable markets and politics, it's not for the faint of heart.
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    Metalworking Hunttalkers!

    Harvest has been in full swing the the last two months. Lots of broken equipment to repair this time of year.
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    What do you call hot?

    That first "hot" day of the year in June above 90 is usually tough, then when you deal with 100-115 all summer 95 is a nice "break". I've been welding for about 12 years, mostly outside so summers are always my least favorite time of year. I'm just glad we don't get much humidity in central CA.
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    Sunrise Sunset Pictures

    Sunrise at Shaver Lake CA
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    A little humour for your day

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    Low/mid grade over under

    To be fair that cheap semi auto took 20 years of abuse before it broke on me but I agree I don't want to spend money on something "disposable".
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    Meat slicer recommendations

    My cousin borrowed a big commercial one from a local community service organization that does some big bbqs in our town. We used it on a bunch of tri tips we smoked for Christmas one year, it totally blew away any happy home owner slicer us average folks would ever buy.
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    Meat slicer recommendations

    I might have the same model as yours or one level lower, mine has the serrated blade. After reading the reviews on Cabelas website I had much higher expectations. No matter how much or little pressure I'd put on the meat as I slice it or adjust the thickness adjuster I could never get uniform...
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    Low/mid grade over under

    Thanks for the suggestions, trying to balance not blowing a tight budget but still getting something I can use for lots future seasons. I'll keep an eye out on gun broker.
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    Low/mid grade over under

    I'm not totally against a side by side even though I personally prefer the look of an over under more, (I couldn't give a good reason why). But I am looking for a 20 gauge.
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    Low/mid grade over under

    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep an eye out. Unfortunately most of the local gun stores cater to the tactical crowd so nice hunting guns are hard to come by both used and new.
  14. B

    Low/mid grade over under

    After my cheap semi auto broke on me and successfully limiting out on doves 2 days in a row with my 23 year old single shot, I'm getting the bird hunting itch. While a Beretta/Browning or the like would be great they are just out of my reach any time soon. I'd like something that I can use on...
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    Uncle Larry's Last Elk Hunt

    Just watched it tonight. Just like all the other episodes with uncle Larry it was a great one. I grew up dove hunting with my grandfather, that's all he ever got into hunting wise but it was his passion every September. He stuck it out several years after he got prostate cancer. Eventually he...
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    2024 dove thread

    Got another limit this morning, haven't had this good of a dove season on public in a long time. Good luck to everyone still getting after them.
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    2024 dove thread

    The action tab broke off on my semi-auto so I had to go with my old single shot my dad got me 23 years ago for my first dove gun. I limited out after a couple hours on some blm that for some reason I've never had to share year after year. On my walk back to the truck I came within 5' of this...
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    Netflix: Inside The Mind Of A Dog

    Saw this one pop up on my suggested list. Sounds like it's worth the watch.
  19. B

    Pig kill

    I know a citrus farming family that gets depradation permits every year for pigs in their orange groves. I'm not sure about reimbursement of any kind, but I know there was no limit and they were allowed to shoot them at night which we can't legally do when hunting them with a tag.
  20. B

    CA screws you tax

    Sounds like a missed opportunity. To add insult to injury, the gas tax got bumped up again the same day.

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