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  1. silasd

    SPOT device vote of No Confidence

    I used to use a spot, but upgraded to a garmin gpsmap 66i this year. Best move I ever made.
  2. silasd

    High Desert Elk Hunting

    You should write these lifelong observations down, to share with those who will follow...they're priceless and I thank you for sharing them!
  3. silasd

    Do you carry a handgun as a backup when hunting?

    .45 acp 1911 here.
  4. silasd

    Does Camouflage Really Work

    Wow....that's impressive!
  5. silasd

    The Storms of Life

    Best of luck to you in this hunt. I admire the way your family pulls together to meet your mom's challenge. And above all best wishes to her for beating it.
  6. silasd

    This doesnt make sense.

    Agree 100%
  7. silasd

    This doesnt make sense.

    I'm thinking he was asleep.
  8. silasd

    Friend bailed on our upcoming New Mexico mule deer trip

    I'm going to strip out what I think isn't essential but cheat and throw it in the truck. I'm tricking myself into letting go of the three "yeah but what if" emergency fire starting kits!
  9. silasd

    Dogs are Hunting Partners - Let's see 'em

    Penny the Wonder Dog (now) and Windy the Briard (when she was). Best dang dogs ever!
  10. silasd

    Friend bailed on our upcoming New Mexico mule deer trip

    Thanks - I did a dry run with a buddy a few weeks ago. Tested out the gear, brought the dog, was near the truck. It's definitely doable. The big takeaway from that trip was the need to strip weight off the pack.
  11. silasd

    What to do with a Hog?

    Take the quarters. Slow cook them in a gravy and vegetables and herbs. Then grill to brown/crisp up when you reach your desired internal temp. One of my best cooks was a hind quarter I cooked like a lamb leg. Inserted garlic and rosemary into the flesh. Put it on the weber in an aluminum...
  12. silasd

    NM Hunting and Theft Issues

    "Cabrini Green" - haven't heard that one in a long while!
  13. silasd

    2021 New Mexico Hunting Rules

    Talk about a lesson learned the hard way! (Did not make that mistake this year)
  14. silasd


    Hi - I saw someone using this in a YT video the other day but can't find much on the web about it. Curious to know if anyone has any experience with it? Thanks and I hope all are well!
  15. silasd

    Hi - I don't know if I can be of my help to you, I hunted elk/rifle along the rio chiquito...

    Hi - I don't know if I can be of my help to you, I hunted elk/rifle along the rio chiquito. Mulies I saw were in thickets roadside by water or off a logging road. Get in away from roads and work logging roads-The farther the better. It can be really thick and brushy but there are open spaces and...
  16. silasd

    Elk calf project

    That's pretty awesome stuff; thanks for sharing.
  17. silasd

    How to Find Mule Deer - Help!

    I'm in the same boat. I know my hunt will be dry so I've located streams I know will be flowing in areas away from the roads that think I can hike in to.
  18. silasd

    A Family Hunts the North End of POW 2020

    Wow. Just read this - what a close shave. So very glad everything and everyone is A-OK!
  19. silasd

    Friday Tunage - Spring Storms

    Thanks - I have been a fan of hers for years. There's a lot of good backstory to why LJ never broke big. In the end, I think she had (and is still having) the career she was always meant to have...

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