Freedom Caucus and/or Jim Magagna make the rules in Wyoming depending on the topic.
I got the impression this was going to happen either by the G&F or thru legislative action. G&F didn't want it out of their hands.
Non residents will cough up the cash to pay the grass bills so it's business as...
I don't think so.
Treeshark just believes transferable tags will raise the money G&F wants. A quick glance at New Mexico will see the flaws. It won't fly with Wyo residents so we should move the discussion on.
How are they going to get an additional $10 million per year?
Reading this interview with the new Director of Wyo G&F I see more increases in fees, licenses and permits on the horizon probably directed at non-residents since dinging the residents might not be a good way to start your new job.
"We’re looking at ways to help bring in revenue that compensate...
For older folks the semaglutides just accelerate frailty (muscle loss and less density of bones).
Drug companies (Lilly) are busy developing drugs just to minimize the muscle wasting effects. Sounds great for stock holders
I guess this means the WILDLIFE DAMAGE MANAGEMENT DONATIONS weren't cutting it for the ranchers. Ha!
I'm assuming that's where the donations went.
Archery stamp went over $70 a few years back for NR.
I'm surprised the Interstate Game Tag isn't up to $75 plus create a non-resident Conservation...
It will be interesting seeing how access actually pans out on the property. HMA permission?
There are always articles in Bugle about property deals but not much info about how a regular hunter actually gets to hunt it.
Mr Robert's insanity may eventually have taken wolf management out of Wyoming's hands. The state doing nothing in response won't help their cause vs the Wolf Groupies. They are relentless...
There is a home school component of every education option; private, parochial or public. If parents are not involved the child suffers but the teacher is blamed.
Most kids should have the basics by 8th grade. I'm beginning to wonder if high school should be optional just like college.