It's interesting you say that the biggest adjoining piece is supposedly being purchased by the county forest preserve (usually they turn it into a nature park of sorts). All of this is null however since the controlling interests have been chomping at the bit to sell for decades. I would imagine...
I took my young boys with me this year on a place I grew up hunting that is in my family. As we were dragging a deer out, it dawned on me that they are fifth generation to be out here and that is pretty damn cool. I've thought many times if only there was a way to freeze it in time (ie...
Took this in on a package deal, and I don't need it at this time. Duplex reticle. Scope is clean no ring marks. 2 very small blemishes at the bell of the scope (pictured). Set of never 1" rings also. Can sell together or split. I'm thinking $240 plus shipping for the scope and rings. Offers are...