Some more info:
As long as folks are respectful, sounds like access is ok for now.
I agree.
We do have type 9 tags that limit archers to bows only and that harvest % is as high as 50% in some areas. Limit the options and hunters are more likely to focus and harvest.
So you claim horses south of 20, but not north? I will agree with that being I live in this part of Wyoming. Your claim of both sides of the road being identical is also true, but that is because the horses are far enough to the south the difference isn't seen from the highway. Nice try.
The SS snipers were on a building higher than Trump. If the shooter had a view of Trump, the snipers could see the shooter. With those scopes they could easily see his weapon. There is video of them firing anyway, no doubt at the shooter.
According to the overhead views the SS snipers were not that far from Trump. That 488 will have to be verified. I guess at that time we might find out if the SS sniper wet his drawers like @BuzzH thinks might have happened.
I look forward to the explanation of the SS sniper looking towards the shooter in the scope and not firing, lifting his head while the shooter begins to fire, then taking out the shooter.
Good for you, but you better review more than that post. I knew Lucky didn't die of CWD, but having a discussion with someone like you is not worth my time. Your attempt spread your vast CWD knowledge falls far short. This thread started with a poorly written article about CWD in Wyoming, a...
Politics rearing it's ugly head once again. The single most destructive wildlife related event I've ever seen was the Governor's Wildlife Task Force. In many ways it was the catalyst to this current issue with landowners, the elk they don't want on their property and how we can now ignore law...
But please seriously, that's the whole point. Who is proving anything? You?
What are your credentials in all this?(second ask) Do you have some peer reviewed research material? What research group on CWD are you a part of? You use the word "we", so which wildlife agency do you belong to?