I'm kind of partial to the darker one myself, she's mine. ;) The white one is my buddies, and although he was picked up from the pound, has served his purpose very well, the dog that is.
What kind of info would you like to know?
1. No
2. Of course Not
3. It's Hunting, we kill animals.
3A&B. We owe it to the animals to portray their likeness in the most honorable way possible.
4. It's all a matter of what you feel as dis honoring in light of the animal. To me, vermin is just that. Game animals deserve our respect...
105 gr of 777 ffg loose and a 295 grain powerbelt for me. Averages around 2" groups for me at 100 yards with open sights. I shoot the TC Omega. The rifle loved the same powder charge combo with a 348 grain powerbelt last summer, averaging around 1" and frequently shot less. When the climate...