I call for a ruling on #5!!! Possible dual answer.. Her Canadian "protector" , can't remember which screenname he used the longest here but he tended to have several on anyboard he went to. AKA Birdie AKA Vietnam205 AKA.......
Arrest ain't crap, it's conviction that counts, until they are convicted they are "the accused".
Yeah let's use your reasoning and imprison anyone who is accused of molestation, no proof , no trial, just someone's word. Heck let's do the same for all crimes, don't matter if they are guilty or...
I totally agree with the "buy them elsewhere " sentiments above. That is unless you are prepared to make a hog proof pen, find someone to grind feed because complete feeds in bags are too expensive, deal with loading them when the time comes, deal with the holes in the pen, deal with the holes...
I don't know if this was Gunners line or from the Sheriff but "As I understand it, Miller and his Attorney didn't even show up for the final arguments in this case." I do believe he didn't show up because he had died.
Moosie , getting the word out on your site doesn't have to involve cash but the presence has to be put forth.
Keywords, a page full of them, get the search engines working for you a Google search of hunttalk yeilded 5100 or so hits, a search for "elk hunting" didn't get Hunttalk on the first...
To what end is the main question, Look at a population map of Canada, isn't most of it huddled right next to the US? Suppose Global Warming has the effect that more of their land becomes hospitable to habitation for 500 years.
Other side of the coin, it could change current flows moving...
While I do agree that erring on the side of caution is prudent, we also must not move faster than sound science dictates, there's too much political pressure and gain to be had over this , an issue which I think we all can agree has no solid, agreed on cure. Patches and bandaids maybe, cure ...
It sometimes amazes me that seldom in these reports the authors fail to mention that the makeup of the greenhouse gases held responsible for global warming is 95% water vapor and of the remaining 5%, only 0.2% to 0.3% of the greenhouse effect (depending on whose numbers you use) is due to...
Everything you need to know about short barrels. http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faq2.htm#m
I love the elitest crap about the SKS not being powerful enough to take a deer, which is why most U.S. ammo makers make hunting rounds in that caliber.
Seems like most have just seen the cheap Norinco...
Son of a bitch, I knew that would happen. mars from the NAHC BBS is on OCC and someone is wondering if it is me. Here's the skinny to clear up any confusion, my log in name at every site I go to is MarlandS , I'm just nicknamed MarS .
I refuse to get in the middle of the Paws v. Moosie...
Ithaca, the glass is half full not half empty. On the Fed level gun owners have 4 years of clear sailing, their time and resources won't be spent on gun issues.
If the environmentalists can keep from sounding shrill they can get a large audience to help defeat the really bad initiatives and...