Had a great chance at a nice Hartebeest, but just did not like the way they looked. Mule faced.
For the Kudu, Impala and Wildebeest, the charged $284. for the shipping and paper work. As I was told, the shipping company will contact me directly and ship to my local taxidermist. Someone said It...
Well, in the planning stage of either leopard and Cape Buff or Lioness and cape buff. Bcat is amped and wants to do a leopard with hounds. The price tag is a bit higher with the houndsthan a still hunt on bait. I am looking at August 09 for the Cape Buff for sure and still trying to get a better...
Thanks guys, I think the PH was just as surprised that we were able to pull that off in one day as this is the summer and not their high time to hunt. The horns on the Kuu were wet because after the shot and follow up.. (An entire 30 yard follow up) The bottom fell out and we got soaked. Hence...
Glad to hear from you Olefish. man, since moving back to Louisiana the fishing has been unreal. Yes, for the past 5 , well almost 6 years now I have nbeen living in North Covington and stay on the water. Let me know when you want to come down and do some damage to this Louisiana fish population...
You are more than welcome top hunt with me anytime. Hell, working out another trip on a lioness after my next trip. Hard issue is now I am on mount 42 and wondering where i am going to put this stuff. Figure the camp I am building on the Bayou will be a camp / trophy room. Sorry about...
Thanks all, man it was HOT, and if you read the start out of turning it from a bad situation to a great hunt... well nuff said.
No wart hog and all in all it ran my only half of moosies day rate
I will tell you it was HOT. Man we stalked some heavy thron brush in waste deep grass from 0600 to dark. Got the Impala first around 0900 the Wledebest at mid day and hunted all evening before connecting with the Kudu at dark. Was a blast...
Have some pictures from Africa. A great Impala, Record Wildebeast and a 53 inch Kudu. Man it was HOT ... Burned some serious boot leather and had an interesting event with some young cape buffs.
Need help with the pictures.
I just got into bow fishing a few years ago when moving back to the states and LOVE it. We started out going down to Venice on the airboats, but soon one of my buddies, found a great deal on a fan boat like you are talking about. Platform on the front of an 18 Foot Jon boat with the generator...
Hello all, hope everyones hunting season went well. I posted a note on the accidental saferi i will be taking this week. The post in the africa section gives the details, but who knows what i will leave with.
Glad to stop by and have the B'cat working with me here in luanda. Geting all of the...
Well Guys, looks like I am accidently going on a short Saferi.
I am past ready to come home and trying to make a bad situation better Basically, I got screwed on the flight back home. For some reason, KLM changed the flight from South Africa home from the 27th to the 28th and since I could...
Maybe this should go in the gun section, but not much on muzzle loaders up there. I traded out some air line tickets to hunt an a private lease with some monster whitetails up in Indiana. 3 Tickets for a 7 days hunt with taxidermy and meat processing included. (If I kill a deer)
Problem I have...
Thanks to all
For the conclusion, Dallas beat the New Orleans team on the general votes, but the judges picked their short film for the judges choice award. All were winners and it was a great learning experience for these young kids with the dream of being future television producers, writers...