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  1. X

    A question for pilots?

    I am in my mid fifties. I know my reaction timing to stuff isn't what it was 30 years ago. I am in good shape, I run 20 plus miles a week plus weight training. I do this so I can chase sheep. My question is, I really want to try and learn to fly, and is it realistic. What I mean by that is...
  2. X

    an elk story, believe or don't

    I thought about sharing this for a while. Wasn't sure I should share. I tried once on that other hunting forum. Was banned because I told someone to f off over a hockey thread (understandable). And when I shared this hunt there were folks who claimed I was lieing and said these elk were taken in...
  3. X

    300 prc

    I just did some work for a really good friend and I just found out he had custom built 300 prc done for me. I will not have it until next week. So my question is starting points for reloads, powder, bullets, etc. NX-8 is going on it, and it will be suppressed. I am numb right now that friend...
  4. X

    A wolfs elk story

    I am torn on the wolf subject. I have shot a few in Frank Church, where I was care taker for three years on private in holding. I have seen slaughtered elk with there uterus eaten. The elk were trapped on the salmon river trail in a rock slide. No where to go. The wolves are smart, lethal...
  5. X

    experince vs gifts?

    Sorry I didnt know how to start thread. But the unit I will probably draw is my second choice. I have nine pp points. My question is, judging through a spotting scope. What do you all look at at an antelope? Before I decide to chase and stalk. I know it is one of the easiest hunts, but judging...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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