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  1. R

    Blackhorn 209 Scam_Beware

    I just encountered a very professional scam involving blackhorn 209 powder. I had my finger on the button to initiate a Zelle transaction and last second decided to call Hodgson powder to confirm the sketchy payment process. A very kind Hodgsons representative informed me that it was...
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    My sons 2023 Hunt Season

    My 10yo son was lucky to draw his first choice antelope and elk tag here in NM for this year. We just finished up his antelope hunt and I thought I'd share the very few photos that I took during the adventure. We departed two days before season began (Aug 24'th) to check spots before season...
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    Unit 16C Logistics for 2023 elk hunt

    My 10yo son drew his first choice elk tag for unit 16c youth modern gun. We plan on going on a scout trip over the next couple of weekends. I've been e-scouting to identify areas that aren't as steep and/or we can hunt uphill since there are just the two of us. I'm mainly hoping some of you...
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    Which to choose?

    A friend who also makes custom gun stocks offered me a choice of a 12 ga. browning A-5, or a Mauser 98 in 7X57. I only know that both guns will have beautiful custom stocks and will be in working order. The Mauser has a scope, but I don't know what kind. I haven't seen photos of either gun...
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    I got these photos from my cell camera yesterday. Is this proof that wolves are interbreeding with deer? Am I imagining that I see a dog-like tail on the small deer in the photo? I thought it was a stick in the background until I saw the same "tail" on each photo. Maybe it's a Chupacabra? I...
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    Road Update, NM Units 17 and 21B, State Rd 52 - VLA to Winston, NM

    I was scouting this area two weekends ago and 5 1/2" of rain fell in 2 hours, causing parts of State Highway 52 to become a river. I spent the night waiting for water to recede with other hunters. Long story short, NM State Highway 52 is impassable between Hwy 60 and the N end of Unit 21B...
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    Question on Case Trimmers

    I'm just getting into reloading and plan on loading about 5 different calibers (.280, 6.5 Creedmoor, British 303, 5.56, .223). For trimming cases it appears you can go two routes; 1) a universal type trimmer such as the RCBS TRIM PRO® -2 MANUAL CASE TRIMMER KIT, or 2) get individual trimmer...
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    Problems shipping gun related equipment_WTF?

    So, I went to a local mailing facility (UPS) to mail two returns; one a vortex rifle scope and the other a rifle sling. Attendant first noticed the word "rifle" in rifle scope and said they cannot ship because it's part of a gun. Then, they looked at the other shipping label and saw "gun...
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    Bear poachers busted in Arkansas. Pretty disgusting. Seems they got off very light as far as fines. Hopefully lots of stuff was confiscated in addition to the fines.
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    Rattlesnake on Patio

    Killed this guy on our patio this morning. Last summer my old bird dog barely survived being bitten by a rattlesnake in our yard. I decided to test the aggressiveness of the rattlesnake by moving the shovel increasingly closer to the snake. The snake started rattling while we were still 5...
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    Idaho Wolf Management - Proposed 90% Population Reduction

    IDAHO BILL ALLOWING KILLING OF 90 PERCENT OF STATE’S WOLVES AWAITS GOVERNOR’S DECISION TO SIGN MAY 7, 2021 As of today, Idaho Gov. Brad Little has not said whether he will sign a bill passed by the Idaho Legislature last week that would allow the killing of 90% of the state’s wolf population...
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    NM Hunting and Theft Issues

    Ok, another question for you long-time NM hunters. I'm trying to get a feel for my new home State. I've lived in many parts of the country and have never had so many people warn me of theft issues as when I moved to NM. Moving to NM, my concern over theft quickly turned to almost panic as...
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    NM Mosquitoes & biting insects/bugs - Need Advice

    A question for you longtime NM residents. Are biting bugs/insects an issue anywhere in NM? Before I moved to NM, bug repellent was a necessity item in my pack. Since moving to NM I've gotten to where I don't even carry bug repellent. I've covered quite a bit of NM and haven't encountered...
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    NM Encouragement Hunts

    Do any of you NM hunters have experience with the on-line only Encouragement Hunts? It's only NM residents and only youth hunters can apply the first 14 days and only if the were unsuccessful in the draw. Have any of you had success getting an Encouragement Elk Hunt youth tag for son or...
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    Changes in NM State Land Access and Use

    Dispersed and roadside camping on State lands will be a great improvement. Currently you have to hike out at the end of the day and go to a designated campground that can be 20 miles or more. I wonder if this does away with the 14 day prior to season scouting limit? If you can backpack and...
  16. R

    New Member; from Arkansas - currently living in NM

    I moved to NM a couple years ago. The pace of life has slowed down tremendously since leaving the rat race in DC and California. I finally have time to participate in hunting forums and other social activities! I'm originally from Arkansas where I have family and property and a lifetime...
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