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  1. MThunter398

    Trip to Des Moines Iowa, looking for fishing ideas

    I have an upcoming work trip to Des Moines, I will be in town for three weeks. My weekends will be free and I immediately thought of opportunities I might be able to capitalize on as I've never really been to Iowa aside from driving through. I see that Saylorville Lake will be right in my back...
  2. MThunter398

    Montana bison hunt

    I had the great fortune to draw the MT bison 385-20 tag this year. Our group is heading down to Gardiner in early January. It appears that the unit is 99% public, and from my research Beattie Gulch seems to be a hot spot to say the least. If anyone has any experience, advice, or even local...
  3. MThunter398

    New Hunting Rig

    When I broke the news to my Dad that I was moving to Montana full time (not just for work) I also told him I was looking to buy a pickup. My first car had served me well in Wisconsin, having access to side by sides and other pickups for my hunting needs. But I knew MT would be a totally...
  4. MThunter398

    A record year, and its not over yet.

    This fall has been the best hunting season I have had since moving to MT seven years ago. The season began with mild waterfowl success. Antelope was a blast, getting together with my father-in-law and brother-in-law, we were able to fill 4 out of 6 tags in one day. I was able to fill both my A...
  5. MThunter398


    The stock on my short action Savage Edge cracked tonight, looking for a replacement, let me know if you have anything. Its an Edge, but if I understand right the Axis is the same action, just a different name. TIA
  6. MThunter398

    Conditioning or Sick in the head - Sheep

    I got off work a few hours early this afternoon and decided to go for a hike and actually earn my beer for once. So I ran home and grabbed a newer pair of boots that I'm still breaking in. For the last month, I had been wanting to hike up into some sheep wintering grounds and look for a deadhead...
  7. MThunter398

    150 grain Hornady GMX for 7mm-08

    I just worked up a great shooting load for my 7mm-08 with some 150-grain GMXs. They are going 2790 fps, which gets me to 2100 fps and 1500 ftlb at 400 yards. I am hoping to use this load for deer and elk this fall to replace the 162-grain eldx. I had been using the eldx for two years and I am...
  8. MThunter398

    New from Montana

    Howdy, I am from the midwest and moved to Montana two years ago. I have been hunting my whole life but I am just learning how to mountain hunt, I heard this forum is a great resource and I am excited to learn.

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