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  1. thusby

    Be honest about your Wyoming elk app!

    …. did you put in for the special? Guilty here!
  2. thusby

    Gloves - Best for late season pheasants.

    Heading for pheasants at the end of November. I typically just hunt with bare hands in a waist muff. I would like to be quick on the draw while driving birds in the snow. Anyone have a favorite glove for warmth and trigger feel?
  3. thusby

    Mountaineering sunglasses

    I can’t see where this has been discussed before, so I am throwing it out there. Mountaineering sunglasses. I’m talking blinding snow reflection from direct sun, coming at all angles. I struggle with snow blindness and particularly over long days. I don’t need a prescription. Does anybody...
  4. thusby

    2022-2023 Waterfowl Pics Thread

    I’ll start with last weekend. Snow and wind made for a decent water hunt.
  5. thusby

    Merganser Mount

    Laugh all you want that someone would mount a hen merganser. It might take a while, but the guy does great work. Got news last night it was done. I can't wait to get it shipped out and on the mantle at the cabin.
  6. thusby

    I'm not buying points for Colorado anymore, tell me I'm wrong.

    So, without knowing a whole lot about the points game/different preference/bonus systems in place in other states, my FIL and I started to build points in Colorado. Currently sitting at 8 points for both deer and elk, I cannot find a reason to continue to build points. We are not getting any...
  7. thusby

    Cat rug

    Just picked up my cat rug from the taxidermist. It exceeded my expectations. I was a little nervous given some of the rugs I have seen over the years but this will work for me.
  8. thusby

    Winter Camping - BWCA

    I thought I would throw up a little recap on my recent winter camping jaunt across the BWCA since many of you have expressed interest in winter camping. We hit a great weather window that was pretty atypical for end of February. Normally we half freeze to death. We worked up our sled loads...
  9. thusby

    Montana Lopes

    Alright, here goes another story time attempt. I spent this year applying and failing to draw for just about every species I could think of in 5 different states. With everything else a bust, I threw down on the Montana antelope draw. I drew the buck and doe tag in the initial draw. I wasn't...
  10. thusby

    7mm Rem Mag Ammo Shortage

    Ugh. Here we go with the ammo shortages again. I was looking to pick up an extra box of 150 grain corelokt for the hunting season and it is gone with the toilet paper from every shelf. Then I figured I would just get some more Hornady Precision Hunter. Gone as well! Stock up early if you get...
  11. thusby

    Montana Antelope 2020 Draw Results

    ... when are you guessing? July 30? This is my last shot at a tag out west this year or I am out of luck. Sitting here with my fingers crossed and hoping.
  12. thusby


    Barstools down, barstools down.
  13. thusby

    Bear at the Duluth Mall How big? Boar or sow? I'll admit, for all the times I have hunted bear I'm still bad at this. I'm going with 250 boar.
  14. thusby

    Past the barb - Lets see em

    Okay whose done it. This is my best one trying to grab a rod and forgot about the other rigged up rod next to it.
  15. thusby

    How did I not know about this?

    This is a good way to raise funds. I dig it.
  16. thusby

    Wisconsin Bobcat

    After many years of applying for bobcat in Wisconsin, it was finally my turn. I ended up getting busy with a lot of things towards the end of the year and hadn't gotten a chance to get out until this weekend. We also had about 40" of snow over a one week span that put a damper on things. We...
  17. thusby

    If I draw an 8 point antelope unit in Wyoming this year, will I ever draw that unit again in my lifetime?

    I've been thinking about this year's upcoming Wyoming antelope draw. I've been chasing a semi-premium unit for about 3 years now and I believe I have a really good chance of drawing out on it this year. When my 8 points are gone and I am back at the bottom of the barrel it will take a very...
  18. thusby

    In Ireland May 2020

    Well, I'll be in Ireland next year in May. I have no clue if there are any fishing or hunting opportunities at that time of the year but thought I would throw it out there. I've been to Ireland once and recreational fishing didn't seem like a big thing there. I'm imagining there isn't much...
  19. thusby

    Leaving pronghorn to rot - Wyoming

    Just got back from Wyoming and I have to admit I was a little disturbed by my findings. I got in 2nd week of season and on different occasions found 2 beautiful antelope bucks left to rot. They had been killed within 2-3 days of my arrival. Both had at least 2 killing shots in them. No way they...
  20. thusby

    Longlining into Lake Superior

    Got out this weekend to throw out a couple lines in Lake Superior. This was my first time hunting on the Gitch and made for novel photos (Carrier in the background of the 1st photo). Only a handful of ducks post-snowstorm but can't wait to get back out there. I'm a huge fan of diver hunting...