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  1. Pucky Freak

    Someone please blow a hole in this idea

    Assuming that I do not change my career that I began in 2009, I can retire in 14 years at age 55 and collect a pension. Assuming the 6% cost increase per year in health insurance continues (non-compounding), a 22k annual health insurance "gold" plan in 2024 would rise to 42K by 2039, and 55k...
  2. Pucky Freak

    Make a stand for public land - Iowa 2025

    State legislators are sworn into office the first week of Jan, kicking off the 9th consecutive year of full Republican control of Iowa government at the state level. Each annual legislative session brings fresh assaults on public land, public land hunting, and resident hunting opportunity...
  3. Pucky Freak

    Region 6&7 mulie doe tag reduction thread

    As the 2024 MT general deer season winds down, have you observed more mule deer does and fawns on the landscape compared to 2023 and 2022? FWP will inevitably continue to publish population graphs, which are only as reliable as their spotty data, so I am far more interested in anecdotal...
  4. Pucky Freak

    Five antelope, seven days

    Heading to WY and MT with @Bowmannate2000 in a few days to catch the tail end of the antelope season. Four units, three weapons, and hopefully a big cooler full of meat here soon!
  5. Pucky Freak

    Why so little support among hunters for growing game populations?

    Just spitballing here. Besides the complexity, cost and time required to put more game in the field, I think there might be a fundamental flaw in attempting to redirect hunters’ attention away from how we slice the pie, and towards making the pie bigger. If you are of privilege, the total...
  6. Pucky Freak

    Corn and antlers

    Two simple things that are bringing about profound changes to land ownership in Iowa. Farm and recreational property ownership shows an accelerating trend towards nonresident ownership. Large farms are increasingly being purchased by investors for portfolio diversification. Lifelong farm...
  7. Pucky Freak

    Raffle tags - yeah or nay?

    Pros: -actual opportunity at getting a premium tag -fundraiser for conservation -relatively level playing field -does not require the years of planning by the hunter -diversifies application strategy options Cons: -Overhead cost vulnerable to exploitation -Vulnerable to nefarious selection of...
  8. Pucky Freak

    Any self-surgeons out there?

    Podiatrist could have done a much cleaner ingrown nail removal, but what’s the fun in that?
  9. Pucky Freak

    Independence Day eats

    PB, 3 lb 11 oz fish. Overnight soaks in saltwater Trim off fatty yellow topline for crispy dog treats Coat w/ yellow corn meal, rye flour, and seasoned salt Fried in peanut oil, served w/ lemon juice and garlic dip (mayo, smoked paprika)
  10. Pucky Freak

    Poaching, Partnerships, and Profits

    Erik Van Woerkom, AKA “Muley Freak”, should have long-since hung up his 1000-yard wounding stick, and joined the ranks of washed-up former hunting influencers. Poaching for content conviction in Utah? Fool me once, I guess. A second offense in Idaho in 2022, I see a pattern emerging… Not only...
  11. Pucky Freak

    POLL - Which 2023 Anti Talkie thread gets locked first??

    Big Fin be like:
  12. Pucky Freak

    🤨 Most shameless trolling or SHlT-stirring thread 2023
  13. Pucky Freak

    🔥 Best dumpster fire or derailment 2023
  14. Pucky Freak

    😘 Hottest secret bro-crush on a hunting personality 2023

    Does your heaping criticism of a hunting personality betray your inner jealousy?
  15. Pucky Freak

    🙀 Anti Talkies are here!!! 🙀

    Just sitting here in the delivery room, waiting for baby to arrive, and finished reviewing 2023’s most obnoxious, troll-worthy, & milk-through-your-nose threads. For your reading pleasure, I’m pleased to present 19 20 nominees in 3 award categories: Hottest bro-crush on a hunting personality...
  16. Pucky Freak

    Free hunting social media is not free

    Following hunting influencers on social media platforms does not require a fee. Neither does watching influencer content on Youtube. However, both actions cost us access to quality hunting, and drive up costs of licenses, tags, and points. Hunter recruitment will soon be the bane of hunters'...
  17. Pucky Freak

    Historically-representative ecosystem management

    Historically-representative ecosystem management In respect to land management, both preservationism and multi-use strategies each have their place in the history of conservation in America. This essay presents a third strategy, historically-representative ecosystem management, designed to...
  18. Pucky Freak

    Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Lite Non-Threaded

    It looks like this model might have been discontinued after a short production run due to poor sales. The market is flooded with the numerous 22/45 lites with the standard threaded barrel. Resales of the sole non-threaded model are uncommon, and they retail for about -$150 to -$200 lower than...
  19. Pucky Freak

    Home Electrical Help, Plus Poll!

    I bought a multimeter to troubleshoot a couple fixtures and an outlet. Got those fixed, but experimenting on some of my other home outlets produced concerning results: Volts format = Neutral-Hot/Ground-Neutral/Ground-Hot Exterior E 120/20/90 Garage E 120/0/0 Garage E2 120/16/16 Garage W...
  20. Pucky Freak

    Hunting and Bipolar

    Hunt journal for 2023 season I’m going to highlight living with disability/ mental illness. I was recently diagnosed with anxiety/PTSD, and bipolar disorder. I started treatment with medication in December, and I also have talk therapy 1-2 times a week. I’ve had mood problems since high school...

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