I am on the plane paid the 8 bucks for wifi. And I am headed to Alaska frist ever moose hunt.
I have asked a lot of questions on here and most of yall have given good info.
And just a note of thanks
I have 4 points in WY it will be 2 or 3 more years before I try and get a tag. But I am thinking of trying to build up a few points in another state. What's another state that 5 or 6 points will get ya a ok tag. I am going to mix in a mule deer,elk and caribou hunts in so I have time to build
I am having some problems packing. I will be in Alaska 9/11-9/27.
I have a wiggys-20 bag, it takes up a LOT of room. If I buy a lower temp,cheaper bag, I easily get everything in my two checked bags. Money is getting a little tight at this point and I am 11 days away. New 15 degree but cheap or...
Going to hunt along the Yukon river I. A couple weeks. Is it worth taking a tarp for under the tent and or over for water protection. I do have a 4 season tent.
I have a friend taking me hunting
This September for moose.
This is a diy type hunt. He is NOT being paid. How ever I would like to get the guy a little something.
He lives up there,works in the outdoor industry and retired army.
I was looking at a really nice knife but you know he already...
I will be hunting along the Yukon river this coming September. I want to take some fishing equipment. What do yall recommend. Lures line size things like that. Salmon are a no go where I am going. Would like.to catch anything else.
I have watched every e-scouting video I can find. And it's all Elk,Mule deer, and some whitetail.
I am wanting to do some E- scouting for my upcoming moose hunt. And all I find is get away from people and start calling around a marsh.
Can you direct me to some info on what to look for.
How many game bags should I take on my moose hunt. This is my frist western hunt so new to the use of game bags. The unit we are in you do have to leave the quarters on the bone.
I am coming up this September for my frist moose hunt. I have a 300wn mag and it loves 180gr Acoubounds. Sub moa. I have people telling me I need to go way heavier. What's yalls thoughts
I am starting to plane my frist caribou hunt. I am looking at getting dropped of by a air boat. Only one I have found is (Double Shovel) has any one used them or know of any one else. Thanks
Ok second season rifle CO. Looking at unit 25 and 35 that lay on the CO river. Would bringing a boat to get away from people help. Or maybe unit 60. Any insight would be great. My frist elk hunt. I am sure it's going to kick my butt. But I have to start some time....
I have a 3006 I am working up a load with 165 nosler par. That's going to be the work horse. But I was thinking about loading some 210 long rang acb if I ever get a crack at my moose what do y'all thaink
I am unable to draw a bow any more so now I hunt with a crossbow. I really wany to hunt out west with my bow. What state would be the best to look at for my crossbow hunting.
I have a Rem 700 in 30-06.
It is being glass bedded and pillared now. I am looking at new triggers. Dose any here have any thoughts on
Trigger Tech triggers vs timney