Crazy thing happened today. Weather called for possible light rain. I'm 2 miles up a draw and it starts pouring rain. By the time I got my rain gear out I was already wet. No biggie. Spare drys in the pack. Not wanting to end my hunt (as i do if i have nothing dry.) I just hunker down under a...
I'm going to try my best to not make this an advertisement so much as a, "market curiosity" thread.
So I've built bows since I was a kid. Laminated longbow and recurves. As I've aged occasionally people asked me to build them one. "Sure thing!" It's evolved into discussions with the wife of...
Every had a buddy call and say he hit the lottery but has no clue where to start spending. Just bought a ticket because and won.
Well... if you could hunt anywhere in an open season for Antelope, Deer, Elk, AND MOOSE where would you even start looking? I told him to get in contact with Boone...
So my wife and I are going to San Diego next week. She gets sea sick just looking at a boat. I've messaged all the shore based guides I can find online. No replies. Does anybody know a shore based guide that can put us on a shark?
Anybody ever have good luck cooking a whole wild goose? When I was a kid my friends grandma cooked some he shot whole and it was delicious. Depression Era kids always knew how to do stuff like that. Sadly I have no clue how she did it. I know one came out of the crock pot and the other was oven...
If you wouldn't mind sharing a little information I've had an opportunity come up. I am holding and antelope Tag for South Central wyoming. Carbon county. I HAD vacation time picked out for the first week and a half of October. It was all that was available.
Long story short Vacation opened for...
Alright... So I know a guy who's drawn that tag. He's excited except that unit is now burning with no end in sight. I know his pain. I drew 27-2 when it burned and watched as my dream hunt dwindled away to black and ash. And the rams left before opening. Holding that kind of tag with rams bedded...
Ok. So a few buddies and me have been chatting about how some seasons are getting shorter or becoming draw only. Think Antelope. Used to be over the counter archery, then draw unlimited, now draw every other year, etc. Capped tag numbers are another thought. I can't help but see where this may...
So there will possibly be a followup of questions to this. But I needed to clear it with admin first. I think this one alone is safe.
Over the winter I've seen a lot of, "I want to try traditional but haven't..." comments. Or something along those lines.
My question is if you have wanted to...
So...This spring my wife's friend was over at the house with her husband. We took her deer hunting last year for 2 days. That's the extent of her hunting experience. She asked me," What's the most fun hunt you've ever been on?"
"Easy, my moose hunt." I replied.
"How do I get a moose tag?"...
So we're in the slow part of hunting. It's thinking and planning time. So I started going through my gear and my wife said, "Why do you still carry this if you have a GPS?" And held up my compass.
It got me thinking about 2 instances where walking a grid search for a deer in dense grass and...
So, beaver fur is down this year. I've been doing nuisance trapping and have a pile of beaver. I'll be making some fur gauntlets and a hat. My question is how about a parka? I like hunting coyotes in January when the fur is nice but I'm tired of freezing when it's 10 below and I'm sitting on a...
I’m putting my story in “Elk” because elk was my highlight hunt this year. It’s more of a season recap but without the begining my elk hunt just wouldn’t have been the same.
My Idaho Elk Hunt.
So as most hunting stories start this one materializes in the spring. After my Turkey hunt this...
So I'm finding my wandering mind has found focus on bow building again. I used to do a lot of self bows. We dabbled with laminated longbows for a while. I still have a 98# at 28 inch bow that's just to much to pull back anymore. Originally it wasn't ment to be so heavy but we messed up...
So I've been using Behman 2 inch vanes on my Gold Tip XT HUNTER 340 shafts. I have never been able to pull the accuracy I used to have with aluminum shafts and my old bow. I've tuned the bow and had my local bow shop look it over as well. So now I'm experimenting with the arrows more. I shot...
For many years I have hunted with all my heart. I’ve enjoyed the outdoors to a healthy level. However this year I had decided to go all out. To become the best of the best. The…. Elite… Hunter. This journey would not be easy. I knew there would be sacrifices on the way. Here is my story...
So I’ve debated even writing this but decided to hoping you may find it a good read and maybe put a tactic or two in the back of your mind in case you may need it someday. I’m just warning you, some of you are going to freak out as you read this. I would too if it didn’t happen to me. If you...
Just out of curiosity if a hunttalker draws one of the tags in Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana would The world famous Randy like to tag along and do a show? If so would anyone be interested in letting him if he wants to film it? I know I would love to have his expertise along.
I am considering doing a hunt in the Northern part of unit 27 in November. Letting much Just the goat creek area of the unit. Kayaking/hiking in. Has anyone done that area of the hunt? Any advise would be appreciated.