Question for my Hunt Talk friends. So, we were severely impacted by the hurricane. My brother's business was completely wiped out. We have the non resident big game combo but the chances of us being able to come are very slim. Almost impossible for us to get him relocated, plus the financial...
The Southeastern Wildlife Expo is next weekend in Charleston SC. Just checking to see if any hunt talkers are gonna be visiting. Shoot me a pm, I’ll buy you a beer.
Everyone with campers or cabins in the woods, just wondering what methods you use to keep mice out during winter storage. We had a few get in this year, not bad, but just a few can make a mess. There are several repellant products on the market and of course home remedies. Give me your...
Purchased a wall tent a few years ago and I am just now getting around to installing a stove jack (used buddy heaters on the first hunt). Just curious what your thoughts are on the preferred location of the jack, side wall or roof? I have read articles and it appears most prefer the roof...
So, I posed this question on a forum the other day but did not get a response. As you know there has been a lot of discussion on the shoulder seasons in Montana. I am sure each western state has it own issues as we have in my neck of the woods. Being from out of state I do not comment on your...
Merry Christmas to all my elk hunting friends. May your stockings be filled with tags for the coming year. Take a minute to pray for our country and those that serve, especially those that cannot be home for the holidays. Let us not forget the real meaning for this time of year.
Hey everyone, my son and I are coming to the Dillon area for a hunt this fall (hopefully). I have hunted the area quite a few times so I know where we will be hunting but we have never tent camped. I have some areas in mind, just wondering if anyone from the area or who has camped there would...
Hope to come back to Montana this fall for an elk hunt with my son. In the past I have rented cabins or set up a camper. This time we are setting up a wall tent as I am trying to make it special for my son, his senior trip. We have our hunting spots set as we have hunted the area enough so I...
taking my son on an elk hunt this fall. looking to purchase a wall tent. large enough for 4 people, around 14x16. if you are willing to sell the angles with it, that would be great. thanks
I am sure some of you have rented these before. there are a few reasonably close to where I am planning a elk hunt. just wondering if you could give me some feedback on your experience. give me the good and bad. thanks
Got a question for you. I tried to find the answer on the their website but no luck. My brother and I are planning a trip to Wyoming this fall to hunt elk with our sons. If we draw our license in the special draw do our sons have to do the same or do they pay the youth license price, 289.00...
Hey Guys; Let me first say that I have been reading post from this site for the past year and I have learned more about elk hunting from you guys than from any book, magazine, or website by far. Thanks. I am from the southeast and try to make it out west every other year to hunt elk, we have...