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  1. J

    Miracle of the African Trophy

    Thought I would share some thoughts on just what's involved with getting your stuff back. The Miracle of the African Trophy As a Professional Hunter and Safari consultant I’m quizzed on many African Hunting topics. One of the most common is “how do we get the skins and horns home”. Or I hear...
  2. J

    Scent lock being Sued!

    We had a long thread here about a year ago or so. It was regarding the benifits of this Scent lock garbage. I posted a whole lot of chemical data and the background of where I found this information. Some guys were still buying into it saying it works great, others felt as I do that it's a...
  3. J

    Very Dangerous time of year upon us.

    Hard to believe this bore site has less damage then the gun or the guy! In general many of us get complacent in our gun handling over time. My soon to be 6 year old son is always around my guns now when we go shooting. I watch like a hawk and am checking to see the status of guns constantly...
  4. J

    Diary of a Plains game hunt with JJHACK Part 1

    One of my hunters posted this report and I asked him if he would post it here as well. He did not have the ability to post it here, but asked me if I could do it for him. So here is the Word doc he sent me with the photos...
  5. J

    Diary of a plains game hunt with JJHACK part 2

    JUNE 11, 2007 Today we are off on a gemsbok hunt. Jim knows that we all want gemsbok. While there are quite a few here, he feels that since we are all interested it’s best to go where not only are there lots, but it’s much more open and with luck we can find shooters. Henk, Dave T., Jack...
  6. J

    Auto feeders for upland game

    A few questions for some help with my little 20 acre ranch here in Eastern Wa. I have recently bought a tripod mounted Mountree programmable feeder. I have a lot of game birds passing through and see or hear them frequently. I would like to set this feeder up to keep them around even more...
  7. J

    Kudu's..... Careful what you ask for!

    As many of the visitors to my site know there is an article about the size and appearance of Kudu Bulls. I worte this as a help to settle the confusion between the status of a "score" and the reality of what the hunter is actually looking for. Here is another example of two 50ish inch Kudu's...
  8. J

    Hyena Quest

    There are a few animals in my life I’ve really wanted to hunt for. Most are not the typical species that the majority of sportsmen really dream of. I really want a big bush pig, as well as a giant forest hog, and this brown hyena. I’m not sure why that is but We all seem to have different taste...
  9. J

    Rokon Trailbreaker, loaded with custom features

    Well, I'm moving and I have decided to part with one of my Rokons. This one has the four stroke kohler engine, 12" drum wheels, bighorn radial tires with battery and 12 volt DC outlet. Hour meter, Custom rear carry racks and rear passanger seat. Runs like new, and everything works like it...
  10. J

    PETA you should know about

    PETA, I think you all know who these jokers are, has really been involved with some hidious acts over the years but this website and the information shared here was actually disturbing to me. It's simply amazing that the media has not made more of this situation. If you have ever had a debate...
  11. J

    Warthog VS Crocodile

    I was just sent this photo in Email from a friend. Thought I would share it with you folks. I pretty big croc with a warthog in Kruger park
  12. J

    New raw trophy import regs

    The new regulations on raw trophy imports have been a hassle lately. However I have found a bit of a loophole that would likely be the right way to handle trophy shipments now. Since completely processed trophies are free to enter the USA, only Raw trophies require the USDA permit holder to...
  13. J

    A few more game camera pic's

    This game camera thing is a very nice way to have a photo safari and a hunting safari at the same time. 288 photos of game and I was not there for any of them! I was hunting the whole time. Although I did check on a water hole one evening and we saw some Eland come to the water. We stayed...
  14. J

    30/06 and the bullets used in Africa this year

    I have recovered and recorded a lot of information on the bullets used this season from my loaner 30/06 rifle. First some of the facts and details regarding the loads and the gun used. Rifle: Model 70 Winchester PacNor 23” barrel in standard 30/06 cartridge Winchester Brass Federal 210M...
  15. J

    Game scoting camera's in Africa

    I brought along two home made digital trail cameras this year. What a great source of entertainment and education. The ability to scout areas while I was in another location became a fantastic means to make tough decisions on where to concentrate my hunting each day. These digital cameras are...
  16. J

    Kudu Curls

    Here is a photo from my camp last season. It shows the way a bull can actaully see the tip of his horns for digging and maybe fighting. It's amazing how nearly perfect the circle is looking straight down the curls. I have two other photos from other bulls I have taken just like this. They all...
  17. J

    Nyala bull finally on the wall!

    Well it's the big one, likely the highest scoring trophy I will ever shoot in my life! This bull is over 30". For comparison the one on the far right is over 28 on one side and just a hair under on the other side. That's a bushbuck in the middle. Looks small next to the Nyala's but it's just a...
  18. J

    Winchester closing it's doors for good!

    U.S. Repeating Arms announces plans to close Winchester plant By MATT APUZZO Associated Press Writer January 17, 2006, 2:23 PM EST NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- U.S. Repeating Arms said Tuesday that it is preparing to close its flagship factory in New Haven, where Winchester rifles have been made for...
  19. J

    Bullet failure what does that mean?

    I think this question requires a definition. What exactly is bullet failure? It seems we are all considering this definition much differently. I have read this statemet several times in my life now: "At what point during the animals death did the bullet fail" Or the bullet exited with a bore...
  20. J

    What's worse anti hunters or slob hunters?

    Topic pulled sorry for the stress This thread has gone to hell so I'm pulling my post Maybe one day I'll come back here but for now I have no interest in the bickering in my threads Thanks guys but I don't need this kind of entertainment.
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