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  1. cgasner1


    That’s mainly from all the cyber trucks they are having to buy
  2. cgasner1


    Medical supplies shouldn’t be included in this. Those crooks would jack the price up not matter what’s happening
  3. cgasner1

    MALA and your money

    great post you shouldn’t included a poll so we can see how many people turn your offer down. Idk enough about the market to play your game.
  4. cgasner1

    General meme thread - NSFW - If you have Reddit I highly recommend this read
  5. cgasner1

    General meme thread - NSFW -

    We don’t do that here @Lostinthewoods
  6. cgasner1


    I do agree but also those bison won’t shed the winter coat by themselves and someone needs to brush them.
  7. cgasner1

    Spend my Bonus - Part Deux

    Traxxas x maxx instead of a fly rod. Kids will love it also
  8. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Idk how anyone can say archery hasn’t had an impact on wildlife. It use to be you needed to get inside of 40 yards I know a guy that last 3 bulls up there average out to around 103 yards
  9. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    It was world class. I think a lot of it was advancement in archery gear.
  10. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Not to steer attention away from the sw side but what happened to the breaks? Bull quality has nose dived I wonder why? No wolves or big bears to be had. Use to be a general archery hunt now it’s a draw.
  11. cgasner1

    And Utah says, Hold my Beer!

    They also know they will get a tag. The odds in Utah are so steep and deep you may send them a few grand and never have a reason to cross state lines.
  12. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Fwp would have the power to make those tweaks this is just an idea they can take as much of it as they want add whatever they want. They make the rules we are just making a suggestion
  13. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    It’s funny to me because all the people I look in the eye and have a face to face conversation with I’ve only had like 2 get all huffy about it. Most people ask how they can help and think something needs to change. We are doing what we can to get out and spread information but there is some...
  14. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    This is the main reason why I have remained engaged in this thread. I’d be curious to see if someone can ask a question that hasn’t been beat to death yet in these threads about our idea.