I think the sooner we think about anything other than weather or disease that kills an elk as a predator and manage accordingly, the sooner we can understand and implement appropriate policy to address the additive mortality of predation.
Harsh weather kills elk. Nothing we can do to change...
Buzz, I agree with most of that. However, black bears aren’t increasing in Region 1. If anything they are decreasing due to the rise in popularity of spring bear hunting.
In the area I have experience with in region 1, wolves definitely had a duel effect. In areas where there had been a historic mountain to valley floor migration in the winter and valley floor to mountain migration in the summer the elk changed their patterns. These are areas of relatively high...
For elk, Region 3 is destination central for NR. Region 1 has seen a marked decline in the number of NR hunters since 2010.
As far as Eastern MT hunters go, I see far more folks from Kalispell, Missoula, etc. than I do from Billings and east.
So predators move the elk that are in the mountains in August and September to private land mid- October?
In NW MT I’ve seen the shift of elk from the mountains to lowland private that correlated to the rapidly expanding wolf populations. However, in those cases, elk that historically hit...
I’m not sure who is pretending anything regarding the early antlerless elk portion of our proposal.
That season is not going to be carte blanche general license cow killing on private land across the entire state.
It will be implemented in harmony with the permit/license quotas and elk...
Don’t worry. You’re well on the way to having the game shot down to low enough numbers that NR’s won’t congregate over there as much. See, hunter self distribution really works.😜
I’m not saying we don’t need to reduce NR’s. I’m saying that reducing NR’s only without including R’s into the...
Your perspective on deer hunting is helpful. The back and forth of insults doesn’t really help convince anyone of anything regardless of what argument is being advanced.
We looked at the effects of trying to reduce NR pressure.
From purely a harvest perspective and not even
bringing the financial aspect into consideration, reducing NR numbers without including R harvest/hunting pressure doesn’t have enough scale to make much difference.
For those who say...
FWP manages wildlife according to the social “science” of the laws enacted by the Legislature and the lobbying of user groups.
Folks pointing fingers at FWP should probably realize that there’s four fingers pointing back at themselves as they do so. If anyone wants change they need to...
That was the hero shot. Cool knife on a chunk of horn. Horn and knife porn clickbait….😁
This gives me a really good idea. I’ll call it OnlyStories. Hunting tale fantasies for hunting forums….
Congrats on your bull @Stone_Ice_1 !
They need copious amounts of grizzly maulings in that series “The Madison”.
Scenes that acccurately depict grizzlies invading sleeping households in downtown Bozeman and taking Fido and Kitty right out of their pet beds for a midnight snack.
Okay. Apologies for taking it the wrong way.
To my knowledge, the argument for concern over incidental harvest of mule deer during elk season was advanced in the context of overall incidental harvest across the entire state. I think it’s a valid concern and is certainly a substantial...