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  1. B

    Muley Hunt Outfitter Help

    Best bet is Mexico even if you have to cover the difference.
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    Montana Elk Management Survey Results

    Please……do tell..! I’ll wait.
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Mr. Snow Cone…… may want to do a little more research on who and which outfitters on here are not trying to improve the mule deer situation. Both of us on here recently sat in on a round table discussion on mule deer with other Hunt Talkers. It was unbelievably productive and was great to...
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    Great Social Media posts?

    Oh Ohh…..good Lord!!😳😳🤦‍♂️
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    What kind of access would you like in the Breaks?

    Great! I’m glad that you find it interesting. I also find it interesting that you needed to put up a video that shows one side in order to get your point across. What did you think you would accomplish by showing a one sided video?
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    What kind of access would you like in the Breaks?

    Soo…..what are you trying to start here? Seems like you are trying to cause discontent. Seems odd coming from a BLM employee…when it actually took place on BLM. Isn’t that somewhat unprofessional? Conflict of interest? It’s so laughable that you bring this up. If your peanut gallery enjoyed...
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Oh yeah…….there’s always that conspiracy theory too…….I keep forgetting about that. It’s a good thing that our government didn’t handle COVID testing the same way….😳🤦‍♂️
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Just a thought……but do you think that an October mule deer season would decrease the number of nonresident DIY hunters or not. Thoughts?
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    I agree with that. In my opinion from reading this forum over the years and listening to hunters on different platforms, opportunity is the huge concern for most. By doing something like this, it doesn’t take opportunity away……it just moves the opportunity to a different time and will...
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Not sure I guess. What’s your thoughts?
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Great point and that is definitely a concern 100%! I couldn’t agree more. I’m guessing what she’s getting at is that it could take away a week of archery which obviously would be a problem. That’s a problem that would need addressed for sure.
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    I’m not speaking for MOGA, but a lot of us involved with MOGA would absolutely entertain the idea of hunting mule deer in October. If we would have been doing it for the past 20-30 years we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Speaking in terms of rifle season, mule deer and antelope the month...
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    Looking forward to it! Let us know your thoughts about times and places. Lord only knows what might come out of this!🤣🤣🤦‍♂️
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    Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

    THIS! He just nailed it…..both ways! We have all beat our screens up for years going at each other, but I think that BOTH sides are coming together for the correct reason and that is the resource. I’m in!!
  15. B

    Fwp December commission meeting

    I’m good with it. I can be cordial, if some can’t, that can be dealt with as well. I think it’s a great idea Ben. Thank you.
  16. B

    This doesn’t sound good!
  17. B

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    But it does address air space and who owns it. I’m guessing that’s what Eric is talking about as I read it as well.
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    More Discounted Non-residents licenses for Montana

    Oh boy…..! I can’t wait to hear it! He’s probably chillin with his “boys” sipping on some top shelf Scotch and telling them how he’s going to “educate” everyone on it. Just giving you a hard time Buzz.🤦‍♂️
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    More Discounted Non-residents licenses for Montana

    Nope…..I get that. I wasn’t jumping down his throat by any means. Thank you for your interpretation and undoubtedly a correct one.
  20. B

    More Discounted Non-residents licenses for Montana

    Again……..pretty sure MOGA has nothing to do with it….nor are we looking for an advantage.