My AZ bull last year had rear quarters of 63 and 64 lbs, fronts of 36 and 38 (all without the hoof to knee portion, though I packed them out for a buddy's dog) and the trim meat bag was 85 and about made my eyes pop out of my sockets when I stood up (it was my first load) but the smile never...
We did see him in the daylight but he was too far away for a decent pic (only like 125 yards) and I saw 2 other, smaller bulls in the same vicinity during the day. They were hanging out near our camp. Too bad the elk didn't want to play the same game.
I burned my NR elk points this year on an archery tag. Wrong year as it was really hot and dry and I am eating tag soup because the elk didn't want to play or even talk. Did have a few close encounters with moose though and thought I'd share.
This little lady came into a wallow while I was...
Congrats on your first bull! That high you're feeling will last for a while, which is great. It makes my whole year. Sounds like a cool experience with the cows walking right to you - that's exactly why I hunt with a bow. Looks like plenty of deadfall around to make for a fun pack out. It is...
I hunted 4A last year and tagged a bull I am still very happy with. A buddy who drew it last year also drew it this year (AZ resident and lucky son of a gun) and is still up there right now trying to get it done. Not a premium unit but when the bulls get cranked up it's a ton of fun to roam with...
Be grateful for the easy ones - they're few and far between. I drove almost 13 hours to CO 49 (twice!) and hunted/bowhiked my butt off for elk that didn't want to talk much less play and am slow cooking tag soup today. Colorado has flat out kicked my butt. Congrats on a great bull! May the next...
Colorado, I'm guessing? That's awesome. Most people won't ever understand what crazy good solutions elk fever drives people to create. Congrats on a nice bull and a creative pack out.
I purchased maps for the 2 GMUs I drew archery elk tags in Colorado and New Mexico about 10 days ago, got a confirmation number and my CC got hit. Then... nothing. No shipping info, no maps. This week I used the contact form on the website (which promised someone from their staff would contact...
Good stuff! When do you expect all the episodes will be finished and posted? Not trying to put the rush on you, but some of us have archery bull hunts starting in about 6 weeks and need to make our e-scouting count before then.
I drew early archery elk tags for both states (2 in NM and 49 in CO) and am looking to get some decent quality maps that show water, etc. I know OnX is a big deal but for whatever reason, I just haven't really been able to incorporate online maps into my hunt planning and I like to have a hard...
I'm sorry you didn't draw, especially after reading your other post and about your friend. How many points did you have? I had 5 which was 100% last year but I figured point creep would have me around 75% this year. I'm fairly sure Colorado didn't do you any favors by changing when they charge...
I got a CC alert that I was hit for $661 a couple hours ago, so it looks like archery elk in GMU 49 for me. For the first time in my life I was hoping I wouldn't draw since I already drew for New Mexico (9/1-9/14) GMU 2. I guess I'll just have to start working on logistics for how to hunt both...
I've been generous with giving meat to people who have helped, with mixed results. The guy who helped me pack out last year's bull (he had a cow tag and I stuck around 4 extra days helping him try to fill his tag) said I gave him "too damn much" when I brought meat to him in October. I thought...
I used soft cow calls to bring several cows in to within 5-10 yards of me last year when I had an early archery bull tag in AZ. A couple were closer than that. The morning I shot my bull, I had one walk right next to me and graze. I swear she was right in my wind path and I thought the whole...
I've never hunted New Mexico or set foot in the unit. Old info is better than no info, in my book. A PM would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you need any insight to AZ units, I know some about a few units, lots about a couple and can make up things about the rest. ;)
Bring beer earlier. I have the early archery elk hunt 9/1 - 9/15 in Unit 2. All this talk about the gumbo roads is making me want to start drinking now. I might have some intel on deer to share once I'm done (and done with my CO archery elk hunt) and back to AZ.
Good luck on your hunt!