I had some very specific requirements when I started seriously looking for a small mountain cabin almost 5 years ago. The following were "must haves": within 2 hour drive of Billings so we would use it on weekends, year-round accessibility, and not in "grizzly" country. It took a couple...
I think this weekend will be good; I know the guy that owns the ranch that is in the hwy 87/Flatwillow Creek in the bma program - used to workout with him and he would say they had elk in their pasture at different times; just 2+ weeks ago there were still 2 herds in the fields between Hwy 87...
I was fortunate enough to "cash" in my points and draw 411-20 in Montana for this year; I'd been building points with an eye on the Breaks, but purchased a small cabin and 20 acres in the Little Snowies a few years ago. I've hunted the area around Flatwillow Creek the last few years - primarily...