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    Changing Colors and Bugling Bulls

    Congrats and great write up! (love the comment about the curve in the cap :))
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    Archery sights with rangefinder?

    my own follow up. I just discovered the range finding capabilities are now legal for rifle scopes. Maybe that has been the case for a few years and I'm just slow, but it would make even more sense for the functionality on a bow. 2024 DEA Regs: Rifle scopes with illuminated reticles, built-in...
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    Archery sights with rangefinder?

    I know they are not legal in Montana, but has there been any discussion within FWP to entertain the discussion to make them legal?
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    Solo Elk hunting

    Exactly what happened to me and a buddy last night. We were hidden looking down the slope, but not behind us where the 3 bulls wandered in looking for that hot cow.
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    1st archery elk

    Congrats!!! I've been busted a couple times already this week so well done in knocking one down!
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    My advice would be to enjoy a week hunting hard regardless of the outcome: Residents are able to draw tags in these areas more often, these areas get a lot of hunters in archery season, it is my understanding the number of tags has increased for the late rifle seasons, and likely limited...
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    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    very nice!!
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    Snowfall in the breaks

    this is the DoT camera on HWY191 south of Malta this morning.
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    have you been out hunting - I apologize for the very delayed reply. Are you planning on archery...

    have you been out hunting - I apologize for the very delayed reply. Are you planning on archery and rifle?
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    I mainly hunt on the north side of the Little Snowies (411) and I have never witnessed any...

    I mainly hunt on the north side of the Little Snowies (411) and I have never witnessed any harassment/herding by helicopters.
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    WY Elk Unit 39

    I hunted there this fall in archery with a type 9 tag. I can't speak to the hunting experience during rifle season but would be happy to discuss the terrain, etc.
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    Getting the boys out

    Looks like a great trip! Congrats all the way around!
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    Spike Elk - 2022

    great story and congrats!
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    No antlers - but freezer full...

    First time I've ever been tagged out for elk in a season. Cow1 was a week ago - beautiful day and my buddy and I got into a heard of about 75 elk with ~15 bulls/spikes. There were 3 bulls bugling at each other and 2 other bulls sparring - very fun to see the first of November! I harvested...
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    I’d rather be good than lucky…

    Great pics and great story! Very nice bull!
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    1st elk

    Congrats - always great to have meat in the freezer; sounds like you hunted wisely and are learning how to hunt elk!
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    Drew MT 621 rifle tag could use some advice

    Great job!
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    Montana shoulder seasons

    As a note, the early season shoulder season on August (at least in the HD I'm familiar with) was for private land only; however the shoulder season from 11/28-2/15 specifies "not valid on National Forest" so state land, BLM, private land, etc., are all valid hunting.
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    7 years

    very nice - great write up too!

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