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    More solo fishing.

    I pulled in a couple in the 17" range. The lake was calm until about 11:00 am
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    More solo fishing.

    Since the state of AZ failed to issue me an elk tag, I decided to console myself with a last solo trip to the foothills, next week the high country opens. ( the photos will be more scenic, and hopefully the trout bigger). It’s hard to take good fishing selfies while steering the boat and...
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    Fin's "Free if you come and get it" offer

    Wish I was closer than a thousand miles Randy. You got a Boy Scout troop near by ?
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    More fish FROM the "Big sky"

    Great. Love thoses Small Mouth. Thanks for the photos.
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    Bino Harness

    The Badlands is what i use, and I love it for the same reason, the magnetic closure.
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    Let's Go Fishing!

    Great video Big Sky. You have me wanting to try Jigs from my boat.
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    Something is dreadfully wrong here!

    Low 90s in central Calif. tomorrow. Just about time for the A/C.
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    NOT "BIG SKY" trout but they are fish

    Any day on the water with pole in hand is a good day. That Pike would eat most of my trout for dinner. Lets face it, Mr. Big Sky” has set the bar pretty high. It’s like having Mike Voigt at your local shooting match. Suddenly, everybody is trying for second place.
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    Is the .308 Win adequate for Elk

    As many have said, the .308 is a very capable elk round. Another way to look at is this. The .308, 30-06 and .300 mag all shoot the same bullets, just at different velocities. As the bullets move down range and shed velocity, there is always a point where performance is nearly identical at...
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    Beautiful day on the lake

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    Beautiful day on the lake

    Warm weather and lots of snow in the high country, the creeks were booming.
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    Beautiful day on the lake

    The lake was like glass in the early morning, but by noon the wind kicked up.
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    Beautiful day on the lake

    Caught lots of these, nothing over 17”. Son was busy, so I went by myself. Hard to take photos of a flopping trout, while steering, watching a pole and trying to release it un harmed.
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    One For The Wall!

    Awsome Bow !!! I think I would mount that also, I had to stay home and do yards work and family Easter stuff, but next weekend, I'm going again.
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    "Jack Reacher" on DVD

    Word is they are making another "Reacher" movie with Cruise.
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    small trout

    Yes, up twenty feet from last year, and rising a foot a day.
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    small trout

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    small trout

    Since Big Sky seems to have the big trout cornered, I made it half way up the mountian and hooked some small ones. Elevation about 3,000. Mid day temprature 60% Boated 10, mostly small Rainbows, and 2 German Browns 14" and 17". At dawn
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    Preferred Copper Remover

    I use CR-10 or Sweets 7.62 These are very agressive, do not leave them in your bore. Swab, leave 2 or 3 munuets, dry patch clean. Then standard bore cleaner.
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    260 for elk

    A .260 will kill elk all day long. I would suggest a bullet made for the job, like a Partition or Barns. A .338 will kill them with more authority, maybe at a bit farther range. What ever gun you use, I would suggest un screwing that BOSS, putting a cover on the threads and using the BOSS as a...