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    Boy Scout fishing #2 (photos)

    No monsters, lots of 12 to 15 inch fish, a few 16/17 inch.
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    Boy Scout fishing #2 (photos)

    Just got back from our yearly Troop fishing trip to the high country. Lots of other Scout activities, and family vacations, so only 9 scouts and 5 adults this year. Besides a five mile hike with map/compass, every boy got a two hour + boat/trolling trip. The average was 4 fish per kid, (nobody...
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    Hunt talk ?

    In the "Old days", Hunt Talk was very political. Probably this most political, argumenative hunting forum on the net. Randy got it under control, and keeps it that way. Many of us old timers enjoyed spouting our opinion on a wide range of subjects, and dishing trash talk by the bucket full. I...
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    Scout Camp Fishing

    I can post this scouts photo because he is my son.
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    Scout Camp Fishing

    Good for you, and yes, posting faces is a big no no. I'm taking a group of Scouts up to my favorite lake for a two nght camp out, hike and fish in two weeks. The boys who have never caught a fish will get out on the lake first.
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    Spring Pictures

    still pleanty of snow up there.
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    Trout, friends and scenery

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    Trout, friends and scenery

    On the water before sunrise And back for sunset
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    Trout, friends and scenery

    My new favorite lure, a J-9 in baby brown trout color. Steve with a 3 lb Rainbow on the line
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    Trout, friends and scenery

    My favorite local lake, Courtright, finely opened this weekend. One friend drove 400 miles to go camping and fishing, and another drove 150. I got there first and secured a good campsite before the memorial day crowds showed up. We caught trout, drank good whiskey and had a good time.
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    Is Yellowstone Even Safe?

    I live in central Calif. near Yosemite. During tourist season, it’s an unbelievable zoo of idiots. People see an animal, any animal and they will park in the middle of the road, and stand in the other lane taking a photo on a blind corner. People will walk up to a mother bear with cubs to pose...
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    utah starting to hit cc for 2016

    Got the E-mail this morning; Un Sucsessful on deer, elk and moose.
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    Squaw fish

    I have always considers Squawfish a catch and release fish. Catch it, stab it in the head with a pair of snipe nosed pliers and release it at least 10 feet up on shore. A caught a dozen or so yesterday, and released them alive out of respect for a friend who fishes there regularly, and likes...
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    Squaw fish

    Also known as the "Pike minnow" My brother gave me a "Barbi pole" as a gag gift.
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    New Mexico Backdoor 2016

    Back door didn't work for me. Indicated i drew 3rd choice elk, but today "unsuccessful"
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    More solo fishing.

    By 11:30 the wind was blowing, with the electric at full speed, my GPS said I was going 1mph, I look up and realized I was going 1 mph backwards. Time to head for the barn.
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    More solo fishing.

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