I have 4E feet, and I hear you.
Look at New balance, the athletic shoe company. They make some hiking boots in 4E.
I have a pair of New Balance 1500GT, 11 EEEE that work well.
Another company to look at "Montrail" there "wide" boots fit my 4e feet.
The New Balance cost between $120 and $150...
T, this makes me sick.
Anyone who has ever met T-bone knows he is one of the nicest guys on the planet, and doesn't deserve this.
I would be willing to loan you gear for your goat hunt, but 99% of my gear is not as cool as yours is (was).
As long as your hunt doesn't overlap my elk hunt...
Thanks for telling the truth Randy.
Truth to the politicians.
Truth to the non hunting public.
Truth to the ultra rich who buy their hunts.
Truth to those who can't handle the truth.
Like we say in the food service industry, if you want to make a million dollars owning a restaurant, start with 3 million.
Professional hunter, rock star, actor, professional athlete, for everyone that actually makes money, there are thousands who dream about it, work hard for years (decades)...
Gators ?
Too late for option 2, but after ski season, most chain sporting good store put great ski/snow pants on sale for less than 1/2 retail. I got my kid a $150 pair for $47. This spring I'm going to find myself a pair.
Everyone is different, better safe than sorry.
A fat old man may feel nothing, and a fit young athlete may get deathly ill.
Like everyone else has said, drink plenty of fluids, avoid coffee/booze and take it easy the first day or two, working your way up to the harder stuff.
If you feel...
My record of archery hunting elk is one of dismal failure, so my advice is probably of limited value.
I have managed to get close to some really big bulls, but something always happens to spoil things at the last second.
If your in the woods with your bow BE READY at all times. Be ready for a...
I got these from a place called "Lanes tubes".
110 BH 209 in the long one, a 250 T-EZ and 2 primers in the small one.
I tape them together and carry a few in my pocket.
Screw on cap, water tight.
Very fast reload.
I’ve been keeping an eye on rainfall in the Gila ever since I drew an Oct. Muzzy tag in 15.
I bookmarked Quemado on one of the weather sights.
I think we are in for a pretty good year, not great, but pretty good.
The range was in great shape after last years record rainfalls.
Ever sine the...
I bought a bunch of plastic tubes with screw on caps. I think they are called "Lanes powder tubes"
Small holds a bullet and 2 primers, the large up to 150 grains of powder.
I tape them together, carry two extra loads in my pocket, and a dozen more in my pack.
The 1961 original, not the re-make.
It’s a Sci-Fi classic, and rightly so.
Watched it on Net Flix the other day.
Great story, great acting. Filmed in black & white on a budget, this is the one that started the general public thinking about the possibility of real, thinking beings from...