Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. I

    CWD Regs

    FWP could require that hunters in CWD areas perform a mandatory check in within the CWD zone and turn in the head and spine of their deer/elk. Also require that unsuccessful hunters present their uncut tag to prevent them from falsely reporting no harvest in order to avoid packing out head and...
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    CWD Regs

    What I find to be missing from CWD regs is the fact that hunters can leave the skull and spine in the field. We are told that the brain and spinal tissue hold the prions that cause the disease and yet we leave those portions out on the landscape to further contaminate the area. The prions, we...
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    ID, MT or WY...

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    Effect of Aging Hunters on Bonus Points

    This would be a nightmare. IF that were allowed to happen then there is no reason why I shouldn't have all of my grandparents and non-hunting relatives buying points so they can gift them or leave them to me. If each of my grandparents had only 10 pts when they died I would suddenly be gifted...
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    Ship problem grizzlies from Wyoming to California

    Drop them in areas of illegal marijuana growing operations in the national forests.
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    Solving Point Creep

    I think what he meant is similar to a strategy I have recently considered. I started accumulating points in Wyoming but by the time I had enough to consider applying for tags my kids are now old enough to hunt, or close to it. I'm 6 points in and this is the first year oldest son can buy...
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    IF you do the crime, be prepared to do the time...

    I watched Bambi a lot as a kid, I guess the anti-hunting element went over my head because I usually had a dart gun with those suction cup darts that would stick to the television screen. I shot Bambi, Thumper, and all those woodland critters many times over.
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    Idaho Elk 2019

    That is not how the drawings work in Idaho, although it is a common misconception. When more than 1 hunter applies on a group application you are all on the same application number. You are drawn as a group not as individuals who are part of a group...
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    Friend bailed on our upcoming New Mexico mule deer trip

    Just go alone. Have a good trip and if you kill something rub it in to your friend who bailed on you. Then he'll want to go next time and you'll tell him that the cost to going with you will be that he has to pay all the travel expenses for the benefit of the experience and knowledge you gain on...
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    Llamas in Alaska

    This isn't just about Alaska. WSF stated that their purpose is to eliminate llama usage in ALL sheep range. That would include many of the places that I currently hunt deer and elk and where I hope to one day hunt sheep. It is safe to say that the majority of outfitters in the lower 48 who...
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    Llamas in Alaska

    Dr. Besser has been on the forefront of this research for years and WSF helps fund his research. For Kevin Hurley to say he is unaware of any recent research is at best a severe lapse in intelligence and at worst a blatant lie. Given the proof provided by this research I can think of no other...
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    Llamas in Alaska

    Good and as you said a balanced article BigHornRam. Here's my take, and in the interests of full disclosure, I do own pack llamas and I am not a biologist. In the article Kevin Hurley (WSF) states that research showing that llamas pose no risk to wild sheep can't be relied on because it was...
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    Llamas in Alaska

    Many studies and closed pen tests have failed to find any case where llamas transmitted disease to bighorns. With no evidence to support a ban it feels like some ulterior motive is behind this.
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    Howa 30-06 - too heavy for mountain hunting?

    I think that most people would be better off losing a few pounds off their body than worrying about their standard weight rifles being too heavy.
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    If you voted for Trump with on the basis of public were dead WRONG!!

    I realize I'm in the minority here but I agree with the reductions in these national monuments. This is directly from the antiquities act. "That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and...
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    Stinky meat, spoiled?

    I think the lesson here that everyone is missing is to never leave behind your knife. If the OP had kept a pocket knife or belt sheath folder on his person he would have been able to skin and quarter the elk when he found it.
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    Idaho considering limiting non resident opportunity

    In units that have quotas whether for NR or resident there is a certain percentage of the tags available that are put into the outfitter allocation. By placing a quota on the hunts in question a situation is created where this unit will now have some tags allocated to outfitters. However...
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    Idaho considering limiting non resident opportunity

    I agree that would be a massive cut. I personally don't think it needs to reduced that much. It depends on how many hunters they want in there during the late hunt. If they want 300 or less then they could still allow 150 to 200 NR hunters with 100 to 150 residents.
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    Idaho considering limiting non resident opportunity

    The first two posters must have misunderstood what the IDFG is trying to do here. As has been pointed out by subsequent posts this does not affect the total number of NR deer tags in Idaho. This will create a NR quota in a couple units that are getting too much pressure. This primarily deals...
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    Idaho OTC COW Elk Tag

    The Bear River, Bannock, Tex Creek, and Palisades Zone's all have otc rifle cow tags that run from late October to mid November. The last two on that list have the most public land.

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