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  1. mtmander

    Two grizzly attacks yesterday in the Gravelly Range

    there are more bears and people , not suprized they meet more often now than in past years
  2. mtmander

    Desert Bighorn - Pic Heavy

    great ram , and a lot of fun
  3. mtmander

    Gun weight vs accuracy/confidence

    the weight only matters when you are walking up (or down) mountains for a few hours and you still have a way to go. I would take the 7mm
  4. mtmander

    Desert Bighorn - Pic Heavy

    nice ram and pictures
  5. mtmander

    2018 AK Moose Hunt

  6. mtmander

    Nailed ‘em

    good for you , great day
  7. mtmander

    Nevada success!

    nice , looks like a good time
  8. mtmander

    First time loading Nosler Partitions

    I use Nosler Partitions , 130g, in my .270 for deer and elk. This with H4831 and Federal match primers gives me sub 1 inch accuracy at 100 yds with a light load.
  9. mtmander

    DIY Moose Hunt

    Your best chance of seeing Moose is to use a air charter to take you away from the roads (you may still see other hunters). Hunt a lake or river , I prefer a river just because I rather move than hunt the same area for my hunt.
  10. mtmander

    Dumping Cable TV

    I have used a antenna for several years , get 8 channels
  11. mtmander

    Boot Waterproof Products

    Sno-Seal , apply and put close to heater overnight
  12. mtmander

    Looking to move to Montana, any suggestions on the best big game hunting spots?

    Will you have to work or are you retired , what other activities are you interested in , so many places to pick from , can't make a bad choice
  13. mtmander

    Best time to scout for elk?

    like above best scouting is before your hunt , you learn current info then
  14. mtmander

    Looking for Moose hunt for 2020 in Canada

    I also believe a NR alien requires a guide to hunt in canada
  15. mtmander

    Ammo manufacturers, does it matter?

    I reload but if I had to buy a box of ammo for hunting I would select the bullet first (eg nosler)and then find it in a federal box of ammo
  16. mtmander

    Elk Tag/Hunt Dilemma

    I would go with my friend , to me a going with my friend will be remembered more than me going latter , regardless of what I may get.
  17. mtmander

    Elk Hunting the Bob Marshall

    I hunted the 'Bob' a lot, many years ago, so nothing on current conditions. I remember it had many steep areas as I was hiking but would open up where I could glass open areas. It had elk but I never saw a lot ,it may have been me and not the area. It has great views and is worth the hike...
  18. mtmander

    Alaska via ship or land???

    I would go the way the wife wants to get there

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