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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    For the trappers
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Auditioning for Santa!
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    They were never friends
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    They used to be friends
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Six bucks came thru single file.
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Everybody wants their picture taken
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    Best Trail Cam Pictures

    Helping the wounded!
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    Trail camera suggestions

    How do the Brownings hold up?
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    Trail camera suggestions

    Sounds like the bushell’s and moultree are doing pretty good!
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    Squirrels because why not?

    Try doing it with dogs.Lots of fun. We have fox squirrels. Did it for three years.Killed 200 a year. Used ruger 10/22s with target hammers. Tried to shoot them all in the head. If you want a 22 to shoot good try every different brand of ammo you can get your hands on. Shoot off the bench at 30...
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    Should Have Bought A Tundra

    I have a 2017 Tundra. Can I put spacers on the front and run vbar chains. If so what size.1.5”,1.75,2”. Does anybody do it?
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    Trail camera suggestions

    Does anyone leave their cameras out all year and how many years can you get out of them?
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    Trail camera suggestions

    I’ve got reconyx. I know expensive but the first two I bought are probably 8 years old and stay out year round.I’ve got six others that are probably at least five years old and they stay out all year also. I’ve probably sent cameras back to reconyx six times and were all repaired for free except...
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    Cousin’s Kentucky buck

    Love to see one like that!
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    Ask Your Muzzleloader Questions Here - Thanks to CVA

    I ordered A CVA Accura V2 on Jan. 1st. at muzzleloader .com. It’s on backorder for almost two months. When do you expect CVA to start shipping?